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Edited by The Cream Goblin: 7/3/2016 11:59:16 AM

An example of how badly bungie have nerfed most weapons in this game

Right now, the grasp of malok is arguably the best gun in crucible. Everyone either has one, or wants one. Remember oversoul edict? The crotas end pulse rifle with arc damage. That gun is the EXACT same in sound, design and stats. Now for year one players think back to that period of time, where crotas end had only released on hard mode. Do any of you remember anyone complaining about that gun? I for one, didnt see a single post saying 'the oversoul edict is op' Infact, the gun was rarley ever used. I had never seen it in crucible, only used it myself about once or twice before putting it in the vault. My point is, this god gun dominating in the crucible right now, was in the game way before the taken king even released. There was so many better guns and so many better exotics that made oversouledict crap in comparison to the other guns out there. Bungie have nerfed each and every excotic, each and every legendary to the point where what was known as a 'decent' gun over a year ago, is now known as the best gun in the game. Let that sink in, bungie have put so much time and resources into nerfing things in the game, that could've potentially been used instead to maybe make new events, or add new content.

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  • Actually there are many easy to get guns to go even or counter it if you have gun skill (Not saying you don't) Things like hawksaw, Pdx and MIDA match against it pretty well

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