One, Quintus headed towards his command tent, while Claudius went to his own. The rumors in the ranks were that Claudius was trying to win over the men.
Edited by Tamedfrog: 7/19/2016 11:39:43 PM[i]Xavier calls upon his overseeing friend.[/i] [spoiler]Sidenote: Xavier talks backwards in this part of dialogue. Plus, this friend cannot be heard. Only Xavier can hear her.[/spoiler] "Rebecca?" [quote]"Yeah?"[/quote] "I'm going to need you to look at one of the tribunes. Spy on their activities, if you will." [quote]"Why?"[/quote] "I'm getting a bit curious about the rumours. I'm going to have to check if this is true or not." [quote]"Alright..."[/quote] [i]Xavier used his shadow abilities to sneak into Quintus' tent, while Rebecca went to Claudius'.[/i]
Quintus was in his tent outing over maps, tactics, reports, and letters. He sipped water from a cup, he gave no indication of knowing that he was there. His tent was fairly orderly, but there was a sense of organized chaos to it. He had a shrine in the back corner of it next to his bed. Claudius on the other hand was reading letters, and counting coins. His tent was neat, nothing seemed out of place. Another man, not a legionary was there with him. "Claudius, you should be more careful. My spies believe that Quintus suspects you." The young tribune scoffed. "He suspects me of being a scared child, who he can mold like clay, not that I want to seize power."
[i]Xavier and Rebecca continue to watch them.[/i]
Quintus remained in his tent, with a few subordinates who came and went carrying reports or missives to and from various units. Claudius left his tent and went out to the camp itself.
[i]Same actions as last time, but Rebecca follows Claudius as a difference.[/i]
Claudius began to visit certain tents meeting with the men, or a single man from inside in each.
[i]Rebecca made sure she couldn't be found, then she started speaking like a angelic deity to Claudius. She also made sure that nobody else could hear her.[/i] "Hello? Claudius?"
He jumped in fright. "Who's there? Who are you?"
"A friend. I'll talk in person when we get to a place where nobody could hear us talk, preferably a tent."
The tribune was hesitant but went to an empty tent. "Well?"
[i]Rebecca reappeared in the tent, her wings spread out. She puts away her glasses as she spoke.[/i] "So I heard... Certain rumours about you."
He hand subconsciously dropped to his sword. "What rumors? What are they about?"
"People have been talking behind you back about you trying to win over then men. That's certainly not good for your reputation, is it?"
"What of it? Why do you care about my reputation?"
"People do suspect that you're a coward. Trust me, you really need some help."
"And what can you do for me?"
[i]Rebecca takes a earpiece out of her pocket and hands it to him.[/i] "I'll be your eyes in the sky. Provide information about where the enemy is coming from and how strong they are."
The tribune took it, and looked at it. "Well, thank you. But why?"
"Hopefully people will look at you on a different perspective. I also will be helping everyone by helping you." [i]She steps out of the tent and lifts herself off.[/i]
The tribune narrowed his eyes and shook his head, he figured he might as well use the resource since he had it available to him.
[i]Meanwhile, Xavier was still spying on Quintus.[/i]
The other tribune was eating a modest dinner now, the same bread, cheese, and roast chicken that the men ate, he was still thinking of something, as his attention seemed elsewhere.
[i]Moar spying. He could try to look into his brain, but it would require a secure connection.[/i]
[spoiler]lol, what? A mind reader?[/spoiler] He wasn't doing anything particularly interesting. He was eating, fiddling with a ring on his pointer finger on his right hand. It was silver with three emeralds set into it, it had a Celtic design.
[spoiler]Some of his powers involve manipulating the brain, so why not?[/spoiler] [i]Xavier really needed to get him alone and away from the others. He looked around for the nearest volatile substance he could find.[/i]