[quote][b]#nottryingtooffendanyone [/b][/quote] *triggered*
I remember when my name was on someone's list, now nothing... jk I was never liked or loved ha
People who post cool gifs that I steal and send to my friends
Y am I not on anybody's list :(
Chaos Fighter is a pretty great guy.
I admire way too many people, to make a list. A lot of you are amazing people.
I will admire anyone who I know that sees this and responds to it
Here's a long list. [spoiler][b] [/b][/spoiler]
Edited by Cegiofra: 7/20/2016 6:09:01 AMLady ghost and Ghost59
Two fellow libertarians willing to play devil's advocate for me. [spoiler]OnlyAlfredo & Autolycus[/spoiler] There are countless other users that I respect - namely those that are willing to construct a meaningful, thought-provoking thread/comment.
Recon, x lets get it on, job r, and hamlet enthusiast.
Bramd - old
Pretty much anyone who attempts to have open minded conversations. It has been in these open minded conversations where we have: Agreed that the human race cannot continue without either Science or Religion. The world would have fewer violence if there were only one religion. Religion is an incentive for Science Learned how others interpret evolution and natural selection, and help them understand it better. -
Edited by tjustie: 7/17/2016 1:24:11 AMThe Cellar Door and Britton honestly. I admire their outlooks on life and their general attitudes, as well as the fact that they're going into/are already in certain fields that I'm interested in.
I dont really admire anyone per say, but I do like a LOT of users and threads or comments they make. It seems the really decent commenters get less attention than thread makers.
Anomaly [spoiler]Did I make you cringe?[/spoiler]
You [spoiler];)[/spoiler]
Edited by KhaZix: 7/19/2016 4:10:49 AMI can't say there are any users I admire, but there are several who I've enjoyed talking to on a few threads. Rek'Sai toplane, Lord Nocturne, Ornstein, and Britton come to mind.
*Insert long list of users because I'm not just picking one* & Myself. Sometimes. Not very often, but sometimes. [spoiler]Okay, maybe I can pick a few best ones.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Spade, doc ski, coco. Muh top 3. No particular order.[/spoiler] Did: Griizly before he decided to leave us (;-; )
When times get tough, I come here. When I want to laugh, I come here. When I want to let out my frustration, I come here. This place can be bad, yes, but it can also be great. It can be inspiring. I don't want this place to die. No one does. And the only way to make this place stick together and not fall apart is through sheer determination and being a good person. So, have a good day.
Cyber [spoiler]Wort[/spoiler] [spoiler]Wort[/spoiler]
Mad Max, the only sensible liberal I've had a conversation with, I may disagree with him from time to time but he's got his head on straighter than most. Stallcall does an exceptional job providing the neutral voice like any level headed libertarian would do. I don't know Recon's political stance (for which I can't blame him for not sharing that) but he always posts useful information and wisdom and I respect him for that. Savage coco is pretty cool. The best troll is probably that flat earth guy, I really don't believe that he believes what he posts, it's just to piss people off and they fall for it every time.
Quite a few actually but at the top definitely recon
I remember when you were a nobody on these forums. How you've grown.