"Four thousand for the campaign, plus any loot you're able to take in the field."
Bramd - old
*Loot? This intrigued Mortar quite a lot. He normally does stuff for free, but this money can help him greatly* I'm sorry, I only heard that last part. What are you trying to get us to do? -
"Tribune Quintus Tullius is recruiting Auxlilia and mercenarius for the coming campaign against the dark eldar."
Bramd - old
Ooh, then you KNOW I'll be doing it. *Mortar is slyly grinning under his mask, when it came to combat, he is very skilled and sometimes likes to show his skills off. This is one of those times* Where do I sign? -
The evocati reached into his a pouch and pulled a scroll out from it. It was a basic contract for a mercenarius, or mercenaries.
Bramd - old
*Mortar takes it from him and pulls a pen from his pocket. Actions speak mightier than words, but occasionally the pen is stronger the sword. Like right now, when Mortar signs the slip of paper and returns it* What do I gotta do? -
"Report to the assembly field at the end of the week. You'll be payed there."
Bramd - old
Ah, will do sir. *Mortar chuckles slightly, his stash of money has been slowly depleting* -
"You'll be added to the roster."
Bramd - old
Cool. How many have you roped in so far? -
"A few hundred for the Auxlilia, seventy mercenarius."
Bramd - old
Ah, not a bad amount of guys on your side -
"Plus the thousand legionnaires we already have, yes it is."
Bramd - old
*Mortar has a sly grin under his mask, despite being a new recruit, he's been called... persuasive. And an army this size could be perfect to persuade* Damn, impressive. -
"Now get moving mercenarius, I've got more men to recruit." [spoiler]you won't be in a position to persuade anyone, as a mercenarius, they trust you about as far as they can throw you.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
Okay. *Mortar follows you, wondering what he's gonna be doing* -
The evocati showed him the assembly field and then left him. It would be several days before he had to report.
Bramd - old
*Mortar looks around, taking in a deep breath, then forms a few shadow forms of himself and begins training in one verses one combat* -
No one else is on the field and as far as you can tell no one watched you.