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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
7/15/2016 5:04:35 PM
Then, the front door opened and it was someone not even Ling expected. Chloanne, looking like she could stand up too. "What the fùck? How are you.." "[i]That's easy to explain, you see..while you left me alone at that hospital, taking Lucas here with you. The doctors actually managed to fix my arm and leg for the most part..I still have to wear a cast but other than that I'm back. Since poor Lucas neglected to stay within the hospital he still has to wait for his Injuries to heal.[/i]" "Shit..alright, just sit yourself down or something. I'm making something to eat." "[i]Thank you Ling.[/i]" Chloanne limped over to the couch and sat herself down.

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