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7/15/2016 3:17:09 AM

old gen

If I am not crazy I thought that in the rise of iron reveal stream they said something like "we will try to improve the legacy consoles experience" when what they have done its to lock the old gen experience like no trails or iron banner for the old gen also we dont have our year 1 weapons back in conditions for pve or pvp with level advantages content that we paid for and we practicly can't enjoy it. Well just wanted to give my useless opinion because this makes me angry and useless beacuse it will not bring VOG or CE gear and year 1 content in general back :') Thanks for reading

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  • They should move on. But to bail out of legacy 4/5 into Destiny 1 is weak. They should have seen out 1 on all platforms, then from 2 onwards, current only. 1 single time limited dl code for last gen players to update. I'm not sure I want to repurchase the same game again. It's like CD all over again.. We sell you the same shirt I'm a different packet.

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