[i]Auxlilia and mercenarius[/i]
Although the tribune Quintus Tullius had a thousand men under his command, he wanted to bolster that number. He authorized his evocati to enter the general quarters proper and begin recruiting mercenarius and Auxlilia, the main difference between the two was that mercenarius would be free to leave after the battle while Auxlilia were granted Roman citizenship and free to settle on any of the eight worlds controlled by the autonomous republic inside the imperium.
You are one such person, either hoping for quick cash or perhaps planning long term you seek one of these veterans out. Or perhaps you simply bumped into one in a forum, park, or bar. Whatever your reasons and methods, you find one such man. Armored in the durable banded armor of the legion, sword at his (or her.) side, a pugio sidearm on the other, pilum pattern rifle over their shoulder cloaked in the red of the legion, attempting to capture your attention.
"You there, have I an offer for you..."
"I'm listening." [i]He waits for your response, cleaning his glasses.[/i]
"Four thousand for the campaign and whatever loot you can carry."
"And?" [i]He makes sure the the frame is clean, then puts them back on.[/i]
"Or you could opt to become an Auxlilia, gain a wage, Roman citizenship, and any loot you can take."
"I'll just go with option number one."
"Alright." He said as he took out a contract. "Sign this."
"This isn't a Auxlilia thing, right?" [i]Xavier looks through the contract.[/i]
"No, if it were it'd be sealed. You're just a mercenarius. No citizenship, no trust."
"Alright." [i]Xavier signed it.[/i]
"Report to the assembly field at the end of the week." The legionary said as he took the contract back.
"Alright." [i]Xavier began to part ways.[/i]
The legionary stayed behind and kept recruiting.
"Really? And what might that be?" *Shadow chuckles at the legionary*
"Four thousand for the campaign, plus any loot you can take in battle. Or you could enlist as an Auxlilia, gain Roman citizenship after your term, whichever you want. You do make a wage as an Auxlilia."
"Any loot? Sounds like a good deal. I will sign up as a mercenary." *She looks around* "Is there someone I should meet?"
"Well, the army gathers soon in the assembly field. That's where the tribune will take command and lead us to the dark eldar camp."
"Alright. I'll be there." *Shadow smirks as she walks away, twirling a knife in her hand*
Bramd - old
*Mortar, leaning against a wall, looks around with his blazing crimson eyes to find the source of the voice* What do you need me for? I'm not exactly special. *He chuckles at that, he's used to all the people just as and stronger than him. His small frame makes him seem not as useful, but what he can do in battle says otherwise* -
[spoiler]it's a public place, they're not tracking anyone down in particular.[/spoiler] The evocati was talking with a small group of people, some interested in what he had to say, others not so much.
Bramd - old
[spoiler]ah, okay.[/spoiler] *Mortar stands up and slowly walks over, somewhat interested in what this guy is saying* -
"Four thousand for the campaign, plus any loot you're able to take in the field."
Bramd - old
*Loot? This intrigued Mortar quite a lot. He normally does stuff for free, but this money can help him greatly* I'm sorry, I only heard that last part. What are you trying to get us to do? -
"Tribune Quintus Tullius is recruiting Auxlilia and mercenarius for the coming campaign against the dark eldar."
Bramd - old
Ooh, then you KNOW I'll be doing it. *Mortar is slyly grinning under his mask, when it came to combat, he is very skilled and sometimes likes to show his skills off. This is one of those times* Where do I sign? -
The evocati reached into his a pouch and pulled a scroll out from it. It was a basic contract for a mercenarius, or mercenaries.