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Edited by Sapphire: 7/13/2016 6:26:17 PM

Should I get The Division??





I don't know/Results


Hopefully some people will read this part before voting and giving feedback... I myself have never been disappointed with a Ubisoft game I've bought. I played the alpha and both betas for The Division and I had fun. I'm not someone who needs nonstop fast paced action. I like 3rd person, slow paced, cover-to-cover shooting. And when I played the early versions of the game, I also just liked to walk around the city. It seems like it would be perfect for me, but there are obviously similarities to Destiny. I don't want my experience to turn out like that, as I haven't played Destiny since October of last year, and don't plan on playing it again. So... what do you people think? Even if you yourself aren't a fan of it, do you think it would be good for me, or no?

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  • If your name is Alex, you're going to love it! Otherwise, don't bother.

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  • I'd you enjoy grind and wasting time, then yes.

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    3 Replies
    • Been playing on and off since the beta. With the new update, the underground is fun for awhile and you can easily obtain certain pieces of 268 gear. However, if you enjoy pvp mixed in, forget about it. The dark zone is -blam!-ed. They gave all players a bonus +20% damage to opposing players. I agree somehting was needed to decrease ttk, but this is unfortunately not it. Also, with the enemies being 33-35 now, good luck extracting anything. I can solo the 33 enemies n get some decent stuff but other players will just kill you as its easier than farming these high level npcs now. So to sum up, if you're gonna be solo and like pvp mixed in then no dont get it in its current state.

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    • Edited by Moonman: 7/15/2016 5:07:31 PM
      If you want to fight Artificially Inflated AIs with no real mechanics, then go ahead.

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    • This forum has a vendetta against the division even though massive games are trying. I'd say it's worth a playthrough at least. Whether or not you stick with it after words is on you.

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    • It's better now than it has ever been and it's perfectly doable on your own or at the very least with in game matchmaking (which is available in every mode thanks destiny!). With the underground you can rank up gear score super fast. When it hit I was like 140 gear score with just superior stuff and no high end. Playing since underground dropped I'm now like 231 and have all high end weapons and gear set gear. Underground offers the best rewards and that comes almost exclusively from the rank up reward so it's completely grindable solo if you choose or you can like I do, matchmake into harder difficulties and get more exp faster. I don't use mic and my matchmade groups always complete runs fairly smoothly since most everyone knows how to hide shoot or heal. Plus they've instituted a reward for season pass owners every 1st and 15th of the month a supply drop is dropped into the open city and you go and find it, fight off some level 32 enemies and get 3 high end or better items. I just got mine for today and got a 229 (max)assault rifle and a 268 (max too I think) holster. That was just freebies. I play it now in favor of destiny cause it's more fun the random dungeons and enemies in the underground are enjoyable and the overall game is more rewarding and I haven't even done a single incursion yet so I have those to look forward too as well.

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    • Please don't I beg of you!!

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    • Edited by Aldrich: 7/14/2016 12:32:19 PM
      Ways mores similars to Diablo than it is to Destiny. Would probably have played more of it but matchmade groups are such shit! No comment on PVP. Be ready to get kicked because GEARSCORE!!!!!

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      • Its less like WoW and more like Diablo. I enjoy it.

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        • I think it would be, but I thought the game had died for the most part. I could be wrong.

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        • The level grind/story was pretty good, the initial endgame and grinding some good gear was fun and a little different. Then they went totally batshit insane with difficulty and nerfs. I played the game from release to Dark Souls 3 and I haven't been back since (except to grab an occasional weapon skin). At the time, I was so impressed with it around level 15, that I immediately bought the season pass. I even bought the extra outfits so I could make my character look exactly how I wanted. After beating my head against increasingly difficult content, including the first incursion. The game stopped being fun for me. There are plenty of hardcore folks out there that still play, but even they complain non-stop about the game. That said, it's still an enjoyable game. But I'm waiting until the first expansion hits PS4 before I really dive back into it. I'll know right then and there if the game wants me to keep playing.

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        • I loved it based on the alpha and beta gameplay. But after release once you reached endgame it was all RNG and people booted you from the matchmaking if you weren't leveled in the DZ at all because they assumed you suck at the game. It may be different now though. I'm considering trying it again after watching a video of the newer content. What I saw in the video was basically randomly generated "dungeons" to run through. If that's truly what it is then I may get back into it. I liked the gameplay and the combat pace. I don't need to be the god roll perfectly geared player. So hopefully I can still get through that content without perfect stats and gear rolls.

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        • I was done with it in 5 days roughly. Got mind numbingly dull mission after mission

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        • Penis poll, offtopic must be proud

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        • I found the game to be extremely boring and not exciting at all. And i love my slow paced games. But the gameplay is just really boring. its just shoot, hide behind cover, shoot, hide behind cover and repeat. There is no strategy at all. Returned it within the first couple of days.

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        • I don't know if they have Gamestop in Canada but if the do, get a preowned copy. That way if you don't like it you can just return it. It's the kinda of game that you love or hate (sometimes both). It has it moments where it's a ton of fun and then something happens where you just got to put it down and take a break. The DZ is one of those moments. If your in a group that plays well and works as a team you'll be fine, but if everyone is in it for themselves your going to lose everytime. Tbh it's probably one of my favorite games and I spend alot of free time on it. The endgame PVE stuff is pretty packluster, and I play on PS4 so I'm not sure how the Underground is but people seem to like it.

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          • I got better than it was before but I'd suggest u wait till the next dlc or if it's on sale grab it now. Tip: it's only fun with friends.

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            4 Replies
            • For me personally it was a let down because i was looking for a realistic game but division was not the answer, but if you like Ubisoft games then go ahead.

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              2 Replies
              • It much better now than release. Most people that hate probably haven't even played it and are just part of the division hate bandwagon.

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                14 Replies
                • New PvE area for unlimited farming, don't need to deal with the DZ New gear sets, weapon balancing, ability balance and overall game play tweaks which make the DZ much more diverse and fun. No more DPS cannons just melting everyone. (Military M870-Shotgun is the new PvP meta with 5 piece sentry and savage gloves) DZ enemy upgrade (Level 35's in DZ5/6 much more fun and requires more teamwork) Less rogues running around murdering the whole server Much better rewarding system (229 guns for days), sometimes the amount of set pieces you get is overwhelming so just experiment with different builds until you find what's right. Heroic modifier added to everything makes missions/incursions much more fun. New Incursion is actually REALLY FUN. More moving around, making call outs, and requires a much more tactical playstyle.

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                • People didn't read your post, just clicked based on their own bias. After reading your post - yes, no brainer. If you like it, you will thank yourself. If not, you're only out like 30-40 bucks at most. Try it for yourself.

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                  • I liked it. I'm thinking of taking another Destiny break and playing division until roi

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                  • If your going to but it wait until they release their last dlc.

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                    • no.

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                    • no

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                    • Dick poll status achieved

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