[b][i][u]Attention Everyone:[/u][/i][/b]
[i] We seem to be having less RP activity on b.net overall, this is not good. I created PoE in an effort to kickstart some activity and it worked. We're over 10k now but have lost momentum. I need your help.
First of all, I wanna thank you all for being apart of this and I want to personally thank Shadlezz for all of his hard work putting plots together in my absence. Thank you Shad for doing your thing here and keeping us going.
Now that Shad and myself are less active, I have an idea for the next person to take the reigns of PoE...
I nominate Pavel.
Pavel has been around my threads since RoB chapter 5 (about a year ago). I saw his work on another thread then harassed him into coming here. The rest was history.
Pavel is a writer who's attention to detail is second to none and his creativity is probably even better than mine. He's very experienced and very fair to RP with. You can't go wrong when you're working with him.
Back in RoB, I made a stealth challenge plot with specific rules - Pavel was the only one to get it 100%. By using his creativity, he solved my puzzle perfectly. Here's his solution to the puzzle I created:
Hideo Tanaka stood at the top of the golden palace, his target was on the third floor. He had his instructions and he would follow them. Another man would die by his hand tonight. The night covered his approach as it would his escape.
He descended through an open sky light in the Far East wing. Fitting he thought, the same senator who had closed this wing was the one he was sent to kill. He made his way through the empty halls, after dark the palace was deserted, only a few senators stayed. Hideo stuck to the shadows, avoiding main hallways forsaking time in the name of stealth. His target would be here until the morning. He had memorized the map his employer had provided and made his way to the senator's office.
Hideo stood outside the door, readying the poison he had prepared, normally he considered such methods below him but tonight his employer specifically demanded no trace be left. That being said Hideo had nothing against the man he would murder, only acting because of his blood debt to senator Gaius catto. He entered the senator's room and the old man looked at him, only his eyes were visible.
"So it seems that the cult has decided to finish it."
Hideo nodded, the old man would not live to tell a soul.
"Will it be painless?" The senator asked clearly accepting his fate.
Again Hideo nodded. The man would simply fall asleep, the poison, was untraceable, tasteless, odorless, and would cause no pain to the target. That is why he had selected it, his target had not offered him insult, simply the man Hideo owed his life wanted him dead.
He set down the vial and let the old man take the poison. Minutes passed as the old man wrote his letter of resignation and left it on his desk before consuming the powder. Hideo now faced the problem of disposing of the body. Again he trudged back to the Far East wing and to the skylight. Using a Pulley system he hoisted the old man up and then followed him. He closed the skylight and looked out across the city, towards the southern districts, one day he would kill the man who made him do this, one day. For now he had to dispose of the body, he took the body to a monastery high in the mountains where his order was located, people would come looking for him, they would find his grave but they would not be surprised. His order had a group of monks who maintained the monastery. There they looked after people who wished to leave their life behind in pursuit of inner peace. Sometimes people passed away during the ascent, the senator would be buried like the rest who had actually died on the climb.[/quote]
Obviously this man thinks out of the box.
[b]Please post below your nomination for the new plot leader for PoE. I think it should be Pavel. Who agrees?[/b] [/i]
Pavel, we need the Russian in control
Bramd - old
Agreed -
He's got my vote.
Pavel? He does good work. I agree.
Edited by ookshmook: 7/13/2016 8:37:14 PMWell, that commisioner shad guy seems to be good at making plot. I say him.
He's working on other things atm