I keked.
"Ruined my mood today. I swear people can just be disrespectful little shits. I know I threatened him but I just love her that much."
His glaring and pissy mood toned down, though his hand was still on the Chainsword.
"You hungry? Because I sure am.."
Ling stood up.
"I should probably put that up, it was a pain to lift into here."
He said staring at the Chainsword.
[b]"Yeah, I know. He's a ginormous asshole at times, but not always. Eh, guy got bunch of disorders from experimental meds, so yeah.. Sorry about that.[/b] [i]He said, his eyes darting over to the doorway before looking back at Ling, and continuing,[/i] [b]"Yes, actually; I am fairly hungry, haven't eaten in a bit, can't get up stairs and stuff.. And how heavy is that thing by the way? It's massive and looks like it weighs.. Like, forty to fifty kilos? Probably more, maybe like.. seventy or eighty.. I'm bad at guessing weights.."[/b]
"I don't know, I just know it weighs a fücking lot. Anyways I can make like pancakes or some shit. I would like to make bacon but last I recall, no animals that aren't somehow fücking human yet still animals are on this ship"
[b]"Just another inconvenience, really.. Though it's like this place wants us to become vegans or something, which I don't like because I'm practically a carnivor at this point.. love me some meat.. And not in that way. But pancakes would be tasty."[/b]
Then, the front door opened and it was someone not even Ling expected. Chloanne, looking like she could stand up too. "What the fùck? How are you.." "[i]That's easy to explain, you see..while you left me alone at that hospital, taking Lucas here with you. The doctors actually managed to fix my arm and leg for the most part..I still have to wear a cast but other than that I'm back. Since poor Lucas neglected to stay within the hospital he still has to wait for his Injuries to heal.[/i]" "Shit..alright, just sit yourself down or something. I'm making something to eat." "[i]Thank you Ling.[/i]" Chloanne limped over to the couch and sat herself down.
[i]Lucas' eyes widened with surprise when the devil spawn walked in, though he quickly greeted her with a gentle "hello" before going off track,[/i] "I could totally make myself w pair of prosthetics.. I'd have to lose my arm and leg, but it could work.. Jason's plasma blades would make quick work of the flesh and bone.. Miri wouldn't like it though.. Hmm.."
Edited by Thot Slayer Emps: 7/15/2016 6:37:13 PM"[i]You could just wait you know. I'll say you have a few more weeks ahead of you. I just can't wait to surprise my man though.[/i]" "Yeah, I'm sure he'll enjoy that. Anyways I just have fruits and..pancake mix? The hell? How did this get here?" "[i]Oooh, I do like me pancakes with fruits. But uh..how do you have that?[/i]" "I don't know!" Chloanne jumped at the sudden yell, her uh..milk bags on her chest bouncing slightly. "[i]Don't yell like that.[/i]"
[spoiler]Bruh[/spoiler] [i]Lucas didn't really notice the bouncing tats, a little occupied with glaring at his casts, and softly replying,[/i] "Because if I replace them with prosthetics, they won't break. I'll be stronger in one arm too. Plus it'll look cool as hell.. Don't have any materials here though.." [i]He looked up, his hazel brown eyes darting between the brother and sister.[/i] "Right, buff lizard guy.. Yes, sure he'll be quite appreciative.. No sarcasm, by the way. And how did you get those things, Ling..?"
[spoiler]Realism.[/spoiler] "[i]I would rather have organic body parts honestly. But still, if you want them badly then go ahead I guess. Im sure Miri would understand.[/i]" She responded, not wanting to slit someone's throat. "Uh..I know how we got fruits..but this pancake shit? No damn clue, I'm not eating or making it though. Probably old as fück and poisoned." A small thump could be heard from the kitchen. "Alright we have fruits then.."
[i]Lucas was only slightly unnerved by how not angry Chloe was, and decided to ask about it like the ass he is,[/i] "So, Chloe.. You seem a lot less angry than a few days ago.."
"[i]Well, once I got over the fact that you left me there. I realized that I would probably heal faster due to me not neglecting doctors work. I was right though, seeing how they gave me some treatment. Some fancy future stuff, but now I'm atleast happy I'm out of there.[/i]"
"Aha, I see.. Oh well, looks like I'll be like this for a little while longer.. I don't mind it [i]too[/i] much though. It's okay, even if I can't walk.. Or use one of my arms.. Oh! Wait! I could just wear my suit since it'll fit me like a second skin, so it'll also support me without applying more pressure than these casts.. Only I'd be stuck it in.. Could work though." [i]He shrugs, looking at his casted arm with a hint of.. sadness?[/i]
Ling came in, holding a metal tray of fruits ranging from Strawberries to Cut apples. "[i]Well, you aren't really missing much. It's rather shitty out there.[/i]"
"True, I mean, I can limp about, but that's not fun either.. And I could be carried but nah.." [i]He looked over to the plate, his expression brightening immediately. [/I] "Ooh, tasty.. So that's all from those.. guys at the nature area?"
"Yeah, I still dislike them..a lot." He set the tray down on the little coffee table. "They really like nature..." Ling said, picking a cherry out from the tray.
"Yeah, they're dragon dudes too. Real giant.. Love nature.. Weird guys." [i]He said, taking a slice of apple, and taking a small bite.[/i] "But, if they make nature appear on a ship, and don't murder us.. Then they're cool in my book."
"They are still denizens of the warp..." Ling said as Chloa grabbed a few strawberries.
"Being born from evil doesn't necessarily make you evil, and being born from good doesn't necessarily make you good.." [i]He said before eating the rest of his slice.[/i]
Ling ate his cherry. "I do have every right to be suspicious. Seeing how I used to combat them a daily basis. Thankfully my dearest only had to be near them for a short time.." He scratched his goatee. "Im thinking of changing my look..probably getting rid of this goatee." "[i]Good, it kind of looks terrible on you. Probably gonna want to cut that hair too..[/i]" "Honestly, I was thinking the same thing.."
[i]Lucas just stayed silent, taking a cherry for himself while the two discussed Ling's choice of hair, he himself just having short hair with a stubble thanks to his military training. [/i]
After a few minutes of bickering quietly they just stopped. Ling grabbed himself a apple slice and sat down. Chloanne and Ling just glared at each other, clearly they talked shit about each other. "I just want off this damn ship..how will we even find a way off? There has to be a port bay somewhere..."
[i]Lucas' hazel brown eyes slowly moved from one sibling to the other, ending eventually just slowly moving around the room. His expression was neutral but how he truly felt.. He felt worried. Worried that he was stuck in between two opposing parties when a shitstorm would start. He slowly grabbed another slice of apple while his eyes darted between the two siblings again. [/i]
"You are an asshole you know that?" "[i]Don't you start again.[/i]" "I am heading to sleep, don't need this shit from you Chloanne." Ling got up and walked away, into his bedroom. Chloanne sighed. "[i]I know he is my sibling but I want to just punch him in the face sometimes...He literally argues over the most stupid things.[/i]"
Edited by Nox: 7/19/2016 2:44:51 PM"I have the same problem with my siblings sometimes.. If anyone can get under your skin extremely well it's siblings.." [i]He takes a bite from his apple, making a crunchy noise because I dunno how else to describe that sound an apple makes when you bite into it.. Anyway, crunchy noise. He swallowed it afterwards. Sounds sexual. [/i] "Ling is honestly a pretty cool guy when he's not being an asshole though."
"[i]When is he not an asshole?[/i] She said, snatching a couple cherries and eating them.
"When he's not around you, generally.." [i]He carefully said, though his words were pretty much true, quickly snatching a.. fück I don't know fruits.. A piece of pear? Sure, a piece of pear, and eating it. [/i]