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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 7/13/2016 3:21:35 PM
[b][i]New Hire at the Crimson Flagon[/i][/b] [b][i]The Crimson Flagon is open. Aliza prepares the bar for business as Mac and Shannon begin taking orders. Everyone is on edge, considering that the Summoner forced a few chaos allied workers into the staff at the bar. They are only there to serve Chaos faction patrons. One by one, patrons enter the bar.[/i][/b]

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  • Blackburn entered the bar and sat in his usual seat, he noted that you could cut the tension in the room with a dull rock, or maybe feathers.

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  • *Shadow stalks in, looking about and cackling a bit. She sits down at the bar and waves to Aliza* "How are the new hires, girlie?"

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  • [b][i]"We are all on edge... I guess time will tell." Her face displays a brief emotion of fear. "What can I get ya?"[/i][/b]

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  • "Gimme a glass of OJ, just like old times." *Shadow smiles, leaning against the bar*

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    Bramd - old

    *Mortar walks into the bar, a water bottle filled to the brim with a strange, hazy liquid. You can tell in his blazing crimson eyes that he isn't here to just buy and drink, he is here to sell. Of course, he knows the repercussions, give it to the wrong people and you'll be mopping up a melted human. That is why there is a seal on the bottle saying "DO NOT GIVE TO HUMANS"* Bartender! I have your new moneymaker!

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  • [i]Xavier entered the bar, a bored look on his face. There wasn't anything much going on lately, so he just needs a nice chat.[/i] [i]He sits on one of the chairs and orders something, anything. But no alcohol, though.[/i]

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  • [b][i]Mac brings out a pound of human flesh. "Sorry about this, we just ended up hiring a new cook from the chaos side..." Says Mac, a flicker of regret crossing his face as he hands you the plate. "To be fair, you DID say anything..."[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier eyes the meal, a bit disgusted.[/i] "Well, at least I am not forced to eat it. I'd rather go for some soda."

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  • [b][i]"You got it." A glowing bottle is slid across the table to you.[/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier takes a small sip of it without a second thought. He tastes the flavour for a bit.[/i] "So... What kind of brand is this?"

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  • [b][i]"It's a house special. It's hard to get name brand shipments on a ship that's headed for hell these days, any shipments at all for that matter." Patrons near you hear the exchange and chuckle. [/i][/b]

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  • [i]Xavier shrugs.[/i] "Eh, at least it tastes good." [i]He takes another sip.[/i]

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  • Another person entered the bar, it was someone of a peculiar feeling. He was of Oriental Descent, he had a goatee that was well trimmed, Hazel Eyes that eyed the whole area, His long jet black hair pulled back tightly into a fine ponytail. He stood at nearly 6 feet in height. His clothing was Unmistakable, clearly inquisitorial authority. The [i]Aquila[/i] was branded onto the black leather of his longcoat, Carapace armor under said long coat, The inquisitorial Brooch pinned onto his right shoulder. Holstered to his right leg was a Bolter Pistol, though he wasn't here to do any bullshit. The Inquisitor walked over to the barstand "Water please. Im not in the mood for alcohol."

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  • Aliza slides a frosty pod of water across the bar to you. "Are you here about our new hire? The Summoner made us hire a couple people from the Chaos side as cooks and servers... He swore to us that his people wouldn't poison anyone or do anything bad. The Chaos forces that come here wanted someone from their side to be here considering this place is supposed to be neutral.." Aliza looks down the bar at a Chaos soldier eating a pound of human flesh. "Those people eat some weird shit..." She says, flat out.

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