So aside from abusing your crack that is Pokémon Go, I have a question. And that question is the title. What game are you MLG Jesus at or just relatively good at?
My answer, although not popular, is Evolve. I've been an active player since day 1 and have never been beaten as Goliath. Whenever the Hunters do their traditional "vote for a restart" I gladly vote yes just so they can get dat ass beat again
[spoiler]dbz gif is just there because that's just how badass you are in whatever game[/spoiler]
Fallout 5
Well you see..
Monster Hunter - old
Choking in breakout and/or in Warzone Base Capture -
Titanfall, man I loved that game.
[url=]I think this might summarize my skill at Halo.[/url] It cuts off at 2:42 for some reason, but starts again at 7:14; so just skip to there when it does. Be my guest if you're willing to watch everything.
Edited by TreeMan_X: 7/14/2016 4:31:02 PMDoom multiplayer is the only multiplayer game I'm good at? I don't even know what people consider "gud" over here...I have 11 platinum trophies?
I used to be a god at guitar hero sadly my guitar busted; and I used to be a god in CoD black ops 1 and mw3 especially trying to snipe
When I had Xbox live I was pretty good at Titanfall.
Smite [spoiler]budum tssss[/spoiler]
Edited by High Charity: 7/12/2016 5:53:46 PMI used to be pretty damn good at Halo 3 and Reach (only permanent playlist I didn't get a 50 in was MLG and TSN). Wasn't bad at Halo 4 either, for the first week I managed to maintain almost a 3.0 kdr in it. Got bored of it pretty quickly though. I've since switched to a bigger TV, and gone wireless. Let me tell you, holy shit is it harder to be consistent with that.
Bioshock 1. Played it so many times that I know the splicers spawn points and can take out any Big Daddy without a drop of sweat. Seriously, this is a game where you can generate fire, ice, electricity, angry bees w your fingertips and throw objects w your mind. How can you not feel like a deity?
Titan fall Halo Minecraft battle mode Gta pvp Eso?
And I kicked ass in Mario and Luigi brothers in time
Black Ops Zombies, GTA V, Destiny and Sonic games.
I'm very mediocre (if even that) at every game I play. There were games where I thought myself to be good player, namely SCV but I quickly got a reality check in the form of people that could be me without even giving it anywhere near their all... Sure, I'd win occasionally and pull off some close victories against players that could probably be tournament level if they dedicated their time to it, but a random win or two means -blam!- all in the long run... I'd say any of the DMC games other than 4, but just 'cause I've gotten every achievement on them (save for 4 and 4 SE) doesn't really mean anything. It's all about mission scores and mine, while not terrible, aren't anywhere near being the best.
Any halo
I was pretty amazing at all the Guitar Heros, although now my wrists hurt
Used to be ridiculous at Crash Team Racing, beat all the ghosts
Edited by Seanonix: 7/11/2016 5:09:18 PMI used to be pretty guud at The Lord of the Rings the Battle for Middle Earth 2: Rise of the Witch-king or LOTR BFME2 ROTWK
Back in the day I pwnd noobs in CoD4
Lionhead's Black & White series
I'm unstoppable at bingo
Dark Souls