Come here and share what pokemon you've caught.
Share some funny pictures you took while on your hunt, feel free to post funny pokemon go pictures you found on the internet.
Even if the game is new don't be afraid to ask questions, hopefully someone will answer it for you.
Edited by Heart of Sand: 7/9/2016 9:38:34 PMAlmost crashed my car trying to catch a Snorlax.
I can't wait for them to add gen 2 Pokémon in. Then I'll be able to evolve the Scyther I haven't caught yet (the game isn't out where I am) into a Scizor.
Currently sitting at level 21 and 30000 stardust. Here's my collection by CP anyone higher than me?
I think people should not be playing it at certain places out of respect for said location , such as hospitals, war memorial sites etc.
Edited by BrandRobKus: 7/13/2016 11:43:37 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
Rarest Pokemon you got? Mine was either a 133 Primape or 141 Ryhorn or the 117 fearow I just got -
I only actually start adventuring yesterday, when I went with a few school friends, and now I have a 400 vaporeon, I think eevee and its evolutions is a necessity to all people playing Pokemon GO!
Bramd - old
Went to McDonald's today, guess which pokemon I saw? Venonat and Grimer -
I'm so glad I never got into this Pokemon thing when I was a kid. This game just looks to damn addicting and I can see it leading to real life fights, gang warfare and there are already a bunch of police departments reporting problems surrounding it and asking people to be safe when playing it. But damn, I gotta say this game is tempting me.... But hell, even when I was 15 years old Pokemon seemed too childish for me. Lol
Question has anyone found a dratini? If so did you find it near a river? Or a large body of water?
Caught a Squirtle in my work parking lot and then a Gengar popped up right after. Today is my lucky day.
It's crazy to see how this game has changed the community around me in just a week... There's this park that used to be "abandoned", no one ever went there, now everyone hangs out there because you can sit on these benches with 3 pokestops within reach, and very close to a gym...
Did anybody found any of the two prehistoric pokemon? (Kabuto or Omanyte)
Evolving pokemon gives 500xp. Pidgey, Weedle, & Caterpie take 12 candies to evolve. So if you catch as many as you can, Activate a lucky egg, Then evolve them all for 1000xp each, You can level really fast. [i]Make sure you do the math to catch each level up or you may miss items[/i]
When I passed by my Highschool I noticed it was a Gym. So that's good news.
None coz 1.not officially out in the uk 2. I cant be bothered to change my country settings to america 3.i don't wanna get run over
The game doesn't want me to get a Gengar. The game froze when I was catching a Haunter and servers went out when I was tracking a Gastly. Silver lining; i evolved an Eevee into an 800+ Vaporeon. Now at can start training decently at gyms.
Apparently, the nearby park named after my school is a Pokéstop....
Edited by NightMist: 7/12/2016 12:13:14 PMSo I found out that pigeys are exp farms by evolving them with xp eggs activated
Found a snorlax in the break room at my work. Dude must have just wanted a snack lol
Was walking around at night looking for pikachu and didn't find it, later while going to a pokes top a car rolls by and yells HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN A PIKACHU!?!?!?
Well I just realized that I could use the pidgey candies to evolve my my pidgeotto... I would literally evolve every pidgey then transfer them so many pokeballs wasted... :, (
Pokemon go is shit.
Lost an egg because servers crashed n my last .1km :(
I found a eevee in the middle of the road on my way to work. [spoiler]i swear to god i didn't run the thing over[/spoiler]
Found a Nidoking on the highway
I can't get it on my phone. I think it's that my OS is too old. If that is the case I can always wait until I upgrade again in a year or two when they have more pokemon overall.