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Edited by AnonPig: 7/5/2016 2:31:38 PM

Oryx and the Hive Throne Worlds

Hello and welcome Guardians, this is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig and it's come my attention that some of you may not fully understand just how the Hive work, Oryx and his Throne in particular, so I hope to answer a few of those questions and bring to light a possibility. First off let's establish the simplest rule there is for dealing with ascendant Hive. If you don't kill them in their Throne World, they aren't dead. Now it's very important to note that they must be killed in THEIR Throne otherwise it's not going to keep them away for long. Our first encounter with a Hive such as this was Crota, who after the Battle of Mare Inbrium was called back to his Throne by Oryx to plan for the final attack on the Traveler. Eriana-3 and her fireteam went to finish off Crota once and for all, but only Eris returned to tell the tale. It became our duty to kill him, but to do so we first must weaken him. We were sent after his highest points of Tribute, his Eyes Hand Fist Heart Might and Will, all killed by us. This weakened him to the point that when we finally made our way into his Throne through the keyhole in the Stills that we could defeat him. And so we did, killed with his own Sword he died by our hands, a final death. One that he would never return from. I'm a state of rage, either because of some paternal instinct or simply because we killed a point of tribute, Oryx came to seek revenge on us. But before this point there was another time where an Ascendant Hive was killed in a Throne, and it's this instance that commonly gets thrown around as a counter to my pervious statement, but it's not. [b]Verse 3:8 King of Shapes[/b][quote]This is the Coronation of Oryx, the Taken King. It happened thus. In the cold abyss of the sword world, King Aurash walked under a cloak of green fire. He walked through the sky and the sky shuddered and froze beneath his feet. He walked until he found Akka, the Worm of Secrets, who was denying a truth until it became a lie. “Akka my God, Worm of Secrets. I am Auryx, sole king of the Hive. I have come to receive a secret. I want the secret power of the Deep, which you hold.” “I give no secrets,” said Akka, whose voice was code. “No,” said Auryx, “you give nothing. Giving is for the Sky. You worship the Deep, which asks that we take what we need.” Akka said nothing, because if it denied this truth, the truth might become false. “But you gave us your larvae, the worm,” said Auryx, “and that is why the worm devours us now: because it was given, not taken. So I must take what I need from you, although you are my god.” Said Akka, “You have not the strength.” But this was a lie. Auryx had killed Savathûn his sibling and Xivu Arath his sibling, and he had the sword logic of killing them. Auryx the First Navigator set upon his god with his sword and his words, and cut Akka to pieces, and took from those pieces the secret of calling upon the Deep. He wrote this secret on a set of tablets, which he called the Tablets of Ruin. And he wore them about his waist. Then Auryx said, “Now I may speak to the Deep, the beautiful final shape. I will be King of Shapes. I will learn all the secrets of our destiny.” His speech to the Deep is not recorded here. But it is known that he returned, and he said, now I am Oryx, the Taken King. And I have the power to take life and make it my own. Then he went out into the universe, and fought the Ecumene with his Tablets. And the Worm his God was pleased.[/quote] Now, not only does the above card have a typo,but it also shows Auryx kill his sisters Xivu Arath and Savathûn, but later in Verse 3:9 Carved in Ruin both are brought back. It is solely because when they were killed they were killed in Auryx’s Throne that they can come back. People will claim that they were brought back because Oryx made war and trickery, but that is how they were summoned from their Thrones. Which is proven here. [b]Verse 4:5 This Love is War[/b][quote]Xivu upon Oryx — Uttered by Xivu Arath — Sibling of Oryx — BETRAYAL. We have marooned Oryx within the Deep. This is our obligation as lords of the Hive, to make war upon each other, to eradicate weakness and make ourselves sharp. OBLIGATIONS. Once, I permitted Oryx to kill me so that he could gain the sword logic and overcome Akka our God. This left me trapped deep in my throne. But Oryx my brother made war upon the Ecumene and in that war he described me, for I too am war. Thus I was resurrected.[/quote] It's here we see Xivu’s fate from being killed by Auryx, she was sent to her Throne, and it's here we see how one is brought from their Throne. You may remember in The Dark Below how Crota was attempted to be brought back, that crystal we destroyed was his return, he was brought back in the same manner of his aunts, they were war and trickery, he was the Eater of Hope. So what does this mean of Oryx? We certainly defeated him in his Throne, but does that truly mean he's dead? His death was a curious one, so let's first assume yes we killed him with no sneaky bullshit. Yes, Oryx is dead forever and that's that. But… From a stream we learn that in Regicide Oryx Took himself, but it may be that he actually Took his Worm. This is confirmed possible by a Ghost Scan. We demolished his line of tribute, his Court, Crota, the Warpriest, and Golgoroth, all dead by our hands, all those lines to feed his Worm gone dry for a time. His Worm now starved would naturally begin to eat Oryx, but if it was Taken... it might not be allowed to. Bent to the will of Oryx his Worm starves, and what do we do? The last tributes of corrupted Light are weaponized and detonated at the open cavity of Oryx's chest. It could be Oryx used us to destroy his Worm. It could be that Auryx, severed from his connection to the Deep, will return. I personally believe Oryx is completely dead, but this is one of those open ended strings that can go either way, that's how Bungie likes to write it. They read our theories, they read what we want to happen, and they like to keep us on our toes. This is your friendly neighborhood AnonPig and i want to know, what do you think will happen with Oryx? [url=]AnonPig's Theories Archived[/url]

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  • Edited by Ahrizu: 7/6/2016 1:12:44 PM
    The game states that he is completely dead, but no one really knows. You do see his body float off into space. I mean, Sepiks was resurrected and killed again by us (re-buit), and the black heart was attempted to be brought back twice until we stopped it, and so our enemies being brought back is a possibility.

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