Ling, who just so happened to be around doing shitlordy things when he should actually be at home with his preggers love. Oh well, I mean he still had a job to do around the bloodwrath anyways.
The last thing he would expect upon this ship was a Female Primarch...who was naked. He didn't notice anyone around for the most part so that was good.
At the very least, when he ran into her, she was covered by her towel. Quickly though, she hid behind a wall, showing just her face. "Hey! Don't sneak up like that!" Then she realized he was an Inquisitor, which caused her to push out a long sigh. "Oh great. Just what I need." Her strife with Inquisitors went back long before his own time, but he remembers his mentor once telling him of a woman the Inquisition protected from the High Lords, who was supposedly a daughter of the Emperor. But that tale was from long ago, and tbe details were somewhat biased. But already in her face, he could see it. She was the spitting image of the Emperor.
He did not believe his eyes, there he was..standing in front of a huge giant lady who looked strikingly similar to the Emperor. "Sweet mother of the Emperor..are you truly? I mean I thought it was just some story to pass the time.." Here he was, a man short of six feet in front of a Primarch who could probably snap him in half if she wanted to, but he didn't even feel fear or joy. Just pure confusion.
"Yeah, I am. Now I suppose you'll be trying to kill me?" She rolls her eyes, sighing. "I have no time for this..."
"No, I'm not..I don't really have a reason to be honest. Besides, you could probably punt me across the hall." He said, holding his hands up. If there's one thing Ling took account into this situation it was Logic. He wasn't really well equipped either, just a bolt pistol. "Do you uh..need something to wash your hair?"
Her eyes lit up, a smile dawned on her face. "Absolutely, yes! Water! Then I can go find my clothes!"
"That's a start, You can uh..come out if you feel like it and we can start to find your clothes because I'm not really carrying water on me.." He said awkwardly.
"Dammit!" She sighs. "I can't put on my clothes if my hair is all soapy!"
He sighed. "You are right, but the only places I know of water is..the general quarters." The Inquisitor said in a lower tone. [i]Way to to Dipshit, already five minutes in front of a Primarch and you look like a complete idiot.[/i] He thought to himself. "Even so, it'll be a little while before I can uh..get some water. Because life fücking sucks on this ship."
She grumbles. "Fuсk me... I just need a bucket worth of water, get this bloody soap out of my hair!" She sighs. "This is definitely the worst day ever."
[spoiler]literally more awkward than most of my encounters.[/spoiler] "I apologize, this isn't really the most..ideal way of meeting someone. I'll just..get that bucket you so desperately need I guess." This was seriously awkward for the both of them. Ling placed down his bolt pistol upon the ground. "Please don't shoot me in the back with that."
"Uh... why would I? You're the only Inquisitor I know not trying to kill me."
"I don't know, Im not really the best when it comes to trusting people. It's my job though, so I can't complain much about that."
"I guess? I dunno. What I do know is that I need water. Fast."
"Yeah yeah, I'll be back." Ling walked off into the direction he came from. After what seemed to be like 15 minutes he came back with a bucket with water and some new toys, by toys I mean guns. "Here..I hope you didn't mind the uh..wait. I had to get some things."
"Took you long enough! Still... thanks. I went and looked for my clothes while you were gone, luckily I found them. Now turn around."
Ling turned around, not even daring to turn his head. "So what's your name? I'm just curious."
She first removed her towel, then dumped the water on her head, cleansing her black hair of shampoo. "Name's Ariel..." After drying herself up, Ariel drops her towel, making her naked. First, she slips on her cute little pink panties. After that, the satin bra made just for her own size, considering sizes don't yet exist for women many feet in height. After that, she slipped on her pale, tight jeans. They are a bit worn, but it is her favourite pair. Then comes her tee shirt, upon which rests the logo of one of her favourite bands, Rush. It was a bit tight as well, lifting her breasts up just slightly in a nice way, giving her a very busty cleavage. She put on her shoes, then placed the little pendant around her neck, the head resting in between her breasts. "Much, much better. Now, all I need is my gear... and if it isn't here, I can only assume somebody took it. But who?"
He turned around. "Mines Ling, not really special. But you said you had gear and someone took it? That is a question I do not have an answer to." Ling sighed. "Oh well, you can have that Bolt Pistol until then." He unslung his Incinerator and lit the torch upon the end, the blue flame was now in place. "Shit almost forgot." He reached into his coat and pulled out some Bolter magazines which were smaller to fit the pistol, and placed them on the ground too.
"Well, I have to go find my stuff. You can come if you want... the help would be very appreciated. You've been nice so far..." She smiles.
"Well..alright then. If you want me too." He said, holding his Incinerator to his side. "Shall we go M'lady?" Ling said in a joking knightly voice.
She rolled her eyes. "Never gonna happen. Definitely not with an Inquisitor." She laughs, walking into the general direction of plot.
He laughed a bit too. "Just a kind gesture, I'm already taken anyways."
She scoffs. "An Inquisitor? Taken? Yeah right..."
"I'm serious!" He said defensively. "But it's not a big matter on how I even have someone or who it is." [spoiler]dun worry, I'm making this less boring soon.[/spoiler]
"I beg to differ. Inquisitors are usually the most stuck up losers there ever is! Even worse than Techpriests!"