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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
7/5/2016 3:52:49 PM
Ariel stepped inside the shower, and opened the flow of water. The warm water rushed down on her tall body, making her release a long, pleasant sigh. "Well there's the highlight of my day..." Being a (literal) daughter of the Emperor can be very difficult at times. Especially when you live surrounded by sisters of battle. That's why Ariel lives in the highest summits of the Metropolitan world known as Ophelia VII. Now, don't go thinking Ariel is a hermit, not at all. She very often travels the galaxy, sticking mostly to imperial worlds of course. Even though she gets adventurous sometimes. She just tends to avoid the streets of Ophelia, due to them being filled with crazed, overzealous worshippers of the "God" Emperor. She doesn't live there by choice, but she makes the most of it still. So, back to our hero. Ariel, in all of her primarch-sized glory, stood in the shower, letting the warm water flow on her body. She took the time to clean herself up nicely, wash her hair and... With her eyes closed, she couldn't tell what happened. But suddenly, the water had stopped. "Hey! Who turned off the water?!" She opened her eyes, frustrated, as her shampooed hair was still bubbling with the, well, shampoo. When she opened her eyes, she saw that she wasn't in the shower anymore. In a fit of panick, she covered her exposed parts. Luckily for her, her oversized towel had come with her to the bloodwrath. Rapidly, she wrapped herself in the towel. "Well this is [i]JUST[/i] perfect! As if the day couldn't get any worse!" She crossed her arms, flicking her black, soaped hair backwards so it wouldn't drip all over her face. She let out a long sigh. "Might as well try to find out where I am... or at least find some damned clothes!" And so, the Cynical daughter of the Emperor, Ariel, set off into the bloodwrath in the search of answers. Or denim. [spoiler]open.[/spoiler]

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    Bramd - old

    *Behind this "Hero," a chuckle comes out of the darkness, followed by a pair of blazing crimson eyes. Whatever owned them appears to have a somewhat demonic origin. And it looks like it is coming closer. As it is, you can make out the figure's outline. He is thin, 5'10", and has a mask covering most of his face. He has what appears to be multiple knives on his back, an icy blue one seems to glow in the shadows, giving off a cool, soft glow. As the figure approaches, he begins to speak with you* Well, that seems unfortunate. What would someone like yourself be doing here, with a lack of armor, or clothes for that matter?

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  • Suddenly in front of her a massive demon body floats up. The limp body seemingly weightless, it's eyes glazed over and a massive hole in its chest. Then it falls back to the ground, slamming into it with a [i]thud[/i]. She could hear sounds of battle. Screeches and what sounded like the humming noise of a very fast blade, then quickly followed by gurgles. "Ack... Demon blood is to thick.."

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  • Edited by Shadlezz: 7/8/2016 4:04:16 AM
    "Ew! Last thing I need is to get blood on me!" She quickly moves away from the falling Daemon's dead body, desperate not to get blood on her.

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  • Ryker looks up, seeing a.... Flying naked woman?! He quickly looks away. "Oh my God.. Uh... Miss you do know you don't have clothes on right?"

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  • She's not flying, dude. Calm down. In fact, she is currently hiding behind a corner. I suppose the illusion of flight was imaginable, since only her head poked from the corner. "Um... no. No clothes. Just a towel. Would you happen to have any water on you?"

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  • "Water? Yeah, I do." Ryker says, a compartment opens in his suit, a silver cylinder of water being pushed out of the crevice. He takes it, and holds it out. "Here, on the house."

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  • "Erm... I'm going to need more than that. Like a bucketful at least." She pointed out her soaped black hair. "For my shampoo."

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  • "Oooh..." Ryker says. He nods and puts the cylinder back. Quickly he goes to a pool of demon blood, a syringe comes out of the wrist of his suit. He stuck it into the blood and begins sucking it up. He then grabs a very large, old weathered helmet and begins putting clear water into it, that seemed to be coming from the demon blood?! After the puddle is gone he holds it up. "There... Yeah I know it's a little gross it's a survival feature of the suit, water filtering and transformation."

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  • "Ew! I am [i]not[/i] putting that gross stuff in my hair of all places!" She repelled the sullied water. "What was in that bottle of water, your piss? Eugh."

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  • "No, pure H2O just like this in this... Old... Rusty... Blood covered helm- Ok that's gross I'm sorry." He says as he drops it, wiping his hand on his suit. "Uh.. I mean I've got the cylinder but like you said it's not enough..."

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  • "Well, can you refill it?"

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  • [b]The Hunter appears upside down.[/b][i]Hello! And- you're not wearing any clothes.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]450 posts, probably pure thirst. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]kek.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]no, actually [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Strange. [/spoiler]

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  • [i]You hear the sound of metal clanging on metal, though in a pattern resembling footsteps. Whether it's a robot... Or something more sinister... You can't tell.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]this Juan?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]yeppers[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Hm... Who should I use?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]up to you man.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]testing mah boi.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]👌[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Tamedfrog: 7/6/2016 3:20:11 AM
    [i]You can hear two people walking, talking to each other. You can notice that one of them seems to be a Angel of sorts, and both of them are wearing glasses.[/i] Xavier: "...You find anything interesting about this dimension?" Rebecca: "Other than the fact that more people are coming onto the ship, nothing much." Xavier: "Anyone appear here nearby?" Rebecca: "Don't know. I wasn't using my sight."

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  • "Ah, crap. More people. Just what I needed..." Ariel just hid around the corner, not exactly wanting people to see her completely naked, save for the towel.

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