[b]Your gun suddenly appears above you and hits you in the head.[/b][i]Russian, eh? Haha. Don't tell anyone, but in this universe, Russia doesn't exist. Neither does Earth. You, my friend, are in an alternate dimesion.[/i]
[i]Thanks to the gel layer in his suit, his thick ass armour, and his energy shielding, he didn't feel a thing, catching the surprisingly light gun after it hit him. [/i] "Alternate dimension? Well, that sounds mighty fun! Means more things to do than back home.. FUN SHIT!"
[i]Yeah.[/i][i]All sorts of stuff happen here. Like murder, betrayal, more murder, et cetera et cetera.[/i] [spoiler]BTW my dude is self aware he's in an RP[/spoiler]
[spoiler]How's that work. [/spoiler] "Yes, that actually sounds fun! Like, SERIOUSLY FUN! HAHAH!" [i]He chuckles, keeping himself from bursting into full psychopathic laughter. [/i]
[spoiler]IDK it just does.[/spoiler] [i]Yeah. No clue how some petty mortal like you could access the highly complicated infrastructure of dimensions though.[/i]
"Okay, rude, I'm leaving." [i]He said, his li'l feelings being hurt, and he walked off without another word. [/i]
[spoiler]Well then.[/spoiler] [spoiler]End[/spoiler]
[spoiler]U hurt his feels[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Feels are for n00bs[/spoiler]