"Gotta relax every now and then, ya know? Wind down a bit.. I'd prefer a soft and snazzy li'l bed but this is what I get, this is what I'll use."
"if you want to sleep, I'd advise finding somewhere within the safety of the town ahead if you. It's not safe at the perimeter or beyond, since that's where most of the demons reside, like your first welcoming committee"
"I don't necessarily wanna sleep. Just, y'know, relax for a bit.. 'Relax'.. Sounds lame now. Hmm, strange.. Anyway! Probably a very good idea still to go into the town.. Mind telling me the layout of this place? What kind of buildings there are? It'd help me a lot."
Edited by Moot: 7/4/2016 10:02:00 PM"unfortunately, I haven't fully explored that town you're in yet; I've only gotten a layout of the Imperial Panthers camp so far. And that's off the list, because the only way you're getting in there is by being a naïve alluring single woman. You'll have to do some pioneering poking around"
"Only way of gettin' in there is by being a naïve and alluring li'l damsel without a lover? Now, that just scream 'rаpe' if I'm being completely honest.. Don't like that.. Eh, I'll find a place to sleep, probably. Dunno where though, maybe just.. outside.. using my Gauss Gun as a teddy bear." [i]He chuckles, and props himself up on his elbows, getting up afterwards with a groan. [/i]
"well if you do find a place outside, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Unless that suit isn't waterproof, of course"
"Wait, it rains in here? And yeah, this suit is completely and utterly water proof - well, liquid proof. Not just water.. So I'm fine! Yay."
"ugh, no of course it doesn't rain in here! Seriously?!" "Well... I haven't [i]seen[/i] any rain in here, at least..."
"Hey, if this place has a fückin' forest thing over there, then it might just rain! And it made sense since you said something about my suit being water proof.."
"... I was joking"
[spoiler]Ya didn't add that. >.>[/spoiler] "Oh.. I didn't realize that, sorry."
"apology accepted, though I didn't really need it" [spoiler]huehue[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Cabbage.[/spoiler] "Yeah, but nevertheless.. Sorry.."
"fine-- oh, dammit"
"Hmm? Somethin' wrong? Did somethin' bad happen?"
"yeah, some of the citizens in the town here have started fighting over the rations, [i]again[/i]... ugh, I gotta go sort this out"
"Buh-bye then, I guess? Unless ya can multitask.. Eh, dunno. Good luck with those civies! And with those rations.."
"yeah, I need to focus my concentration on this stuff going on before me if I have any hope of breaking it up, which means no more telepathy for now"
"Awh, that's a real fückin' bummer. Ah, well, see ya later then, I guess. And again, wish ya luck with 'em civies, aight? Now, li'l ol' me 'll be lookin' for a place to sleep.."
"yeah, you do that" And with that, the voice departed.
[spoiler]End, I guess. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]The non-romantic beginning of their ship. Lol.[/spoiler]
Edited by Nibber Schipper: 7/4/2016 11:31:07 PM[spoiler]You want a marker? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]say whuat[/spoiler]