[i]"Ah, a romantic setting then? The two of us on a sunsetting hill, battling with our backs together, fighting for our lives... that does sound like a very pleasant way to meet my idol."[/i]
"I feel the same way..." [b]She softly smiles.[/b] "But what makes me your idol? You've done more things then me!"
[i]"it isn't a matter of how big your talley is."[/i] He smiles. [i]"I fight by choice. It was my duty to do so. You... you've been trapped here against your will. You've fought for so long, beyond the point where anyone else would have given up. But you haven't given up at all. Your courage inspired me in my worst moments."[/i]
[b]She softly smiles.[/b] "Thank you, I'm glad I could inspire you to keep moving...."
[i]"as for me... how did I inspire you?"[/i]
"You've fought even when the odds were stacked against you.. Even when thousands of daemons all rushed for your head..."
[i]"Coming from the woman who vanquished a Bloodletter at arm wrestling, I could say our exploits are comparable..."[/i]
"You wiped out an entire Chapter of Chaos Marines, which is nigh impossible."
[i]"I suppose that was a tough one, even though they practically just threw themselves at me... tell me, what is your greatest exploit? I must know. Please! I have to.[/i] He smiles brightly underneath his hood. He was very contempt.
"I have to say... Taking on Two ancient Daemon Prices at once. Especially since they only got stronger when they were together."
[i]"I must say, I am impressed! A feat definitely worthy of your legend..."[/i] He smiles. She truly was amazing. At least, he knew as much, speaking for himself.
[b]She smiles back, feeling a small warm feeling at her gut whenever she talked to him.[/b]
He would feel the same. After all, she was his idol. [i]"Now, I don't like to brag but... I have done some impressive things myself. Let's see... I've had a Khorne Bloodthirster tap out from a fistfight, I stopped a Khorne Juggernaut with my bare hands, erm... ah, yes! There was this one Keeper of secrets, you see. You know, big ugly Daemons of Slaanesh, you know the type. Well anyway, it and an Avatar of Khaine were ripping each other a new one. I stepped in and talked them both out of it. Now that..."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"... that was fun."[/i] He winces. [i]"Oh, I just remembered that one time I had to kill two companies of Angry Marines and two compaines of World Eaters all at once... now that wasn't fun at all."[/i]
"That sounds like it sucked... Angry Marines are bad enough, but doing that while fighting World Eaters sounds horrible."
[i]"It was basically just a whole battlefield of people screaming at each other... the Angry marines, comparatively to the Eaters, are in the least entertaining."[/i]
"Yeah, the World Eaters are just insane.."
[i]"Being a Khornite will do that to you..."[/i] He laughs. [i]"You know, I haven't talked with a decent person in ages. It feels really good."[/i]
"Yeah, the last person I talked to who wasn't trying to kill me was a Eldar who got stuck here, thankfully she got out with my help, if only the portal she opened wasn't just one person and one use..."
[i]"Ah. Wonders of the webway..."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"Well, at least now we have each other."[/i]
[b]She nods.[/b] "I have to agree with that."
He keeps walking with her, simply enjoying the company. [i]"It really is good to speak with another person after all of these years..."[/i]
Feryun, who has been quiet this whole time spoke. "I disagree, It is really, really terrible having to listen to beings moaning and whining about how they don't want to be here or how they just want peace. Though, I was just a soul along the countless others." He responded. "I prefer to have my alone time, keeps me calm to say the least."
[i]"No one is forcing you to speak."[/i] He said, to the whining sorcerer.
"Ha ha, I was merely stating my mind. I am very much surprised you survived the God of Changes realm. But, I'm not risking anything that will get me Killed, banished or worse. If Noiratrom recruited you, I must oblige to not tear a throat out." It was clear he wasn't going to take any shit today. He must be on his special week.
[i]"If it is a fight you want, it is a fight you will get. You wouldn't be the first lackey of chaos I would take on."[/i] He chuckles.
"As I stated, I'm not risking being killed again." He said. "For the record, I was only a Servant of Chaos due to a series of unfortunate events. I had no control of it."