A few minutes later, and they had gotten halfway through the stairs. And already, it was getting colder. A chilling feeling took hold of their bodies as they walked. Yet, they didn't physically feel cold. It was as if the temperature was felt at the back of their minds. An odd sensation indeed. But nothing unusual, considering they were crossing into the mad god's realm.
"Yeah, the World Eaters are just insane.."
[i]"Being a Khornite will do that to you..."[/i] He laughs. [i]"You know, I haven't talked with a decent person in ages. It feels really good."[/i]
"Yeah, the last person I talked to who wasn't trying to kill me was a Eldar who got stuck here, thankfully she got out with my help, if only the portal she opened wasn't just one person and one use..."
[i]"Ah. Wonders of the webway..."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"Well, at least now we have each other."[/i]
[b]She nods.[/b] "I have to agree with that."
He keeps walking with her, simply enjoying the company. [i]"It really is good to speak with another person after all of these years..."[/i]
Feryun, who has been quiet this whole time spoke. "I disagree, It is really, really terrible having to listen to beings moaning and whining about how they don't want to be here or how they just want peace. Though, I was just a soul along the countless others." He responded. "I prefer to have my alone time, keeps me calm to say the least."
[i]"No one is forcing you to speak."[/i] He said, to the whining sorcerer.
"Ha ha, I was merely stating my mind. I am very much surprised you survived the God of Changes realm. But, I'm not risking anything that will get me Killed, banished or worse. If Noiratrom recruited you, I must oblige to not tear a throat out." It was clear he wasn't going to take any shit today. He must be on his special week.
[i]"If it is a fight you want, it is a fight you will get. You wouldn't be the first lackey of chaos I would take on."[/i] He chuckles.
"As I stated, I'm not risking being killed again." He said. "For the record, I was only a Servant of Chaos due to a series of unfortunate events. I had no control of it."
[i]"As do most servants of chaos. Although often times, it was men looking to gain more power, their greed ultimately being their downfall."[/i]
"That..is actually spot on. Tzeentch was listening to my thoughts..tempting me with power, if I gave him my soul. Being the complete idiot I was, he took my soul. At the time I barely knew what Tzeentch was." The Sorcerer said. "After centuries of doing his bidding I was given the title Chaos Lord. Shortly after I met my downfall at Noiratrom."
[i]"I see... and he has decided to bring you back? Quite generous."[/i]
"I was surprised at first..he eventually gave me back my powers. Which I thought was a terrible decision, but I don't know."
[i]"He most likely did it so you could be more useful in battle. But that's my guess."[/i]
"True...I can feel the Change gods prescense fading from my back..we must be nearing the Dead Princes realm."
[i]"We are... into the realm of the whore."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"I suppose it feels good to know that it is dead."[/i]
"Yes..though there are bigger threats." He responded. "Though I do not believe in benevolent Chaos Gods, as that goes against the whole point of Chaos. I believe Noiratrom could accomplish something."
[i]"Shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth."[/i]
"That's a bizarre statement. Then again we are in the warp.." Feryuns Crystalized Warp Fire shards floated to his hand, in which he held it up to his face. "This metallic shell bothers me too much.."
[i]"You're not very greatful, huh? I understand why you and others would want you to stay quiet..."[/i] They had travelled the mountains, and were now on the flat path into Slaanesh's realm.
Now Feryun wasn't a edgy fück anymore. "I wouldn't say it doesn't have it uses, oh it does. But right now we should just focus on our goal, instead of me dragging everyone down." Ha, semi 4th wall break.
"Years of being in this hell will make any conversation feel like heaven."
[i]"Aye, true indeed."[/i]