"There are warp storms all around... the path through the mountains should keep us relatively safe."
Noiratrom leads the group.
"So, Gwynevere... tell me, what do you know of Eli?"
"One of the only people I know of to survive a entire chapter of Chaos Marines attacking them... Daemons actively hunt him because of how many he has killed.... The only person I can think of who has done that much and is still walking would be me!" [b]Gwynevere softyl chuckles.[/b]
He smiles. "So you know of him... have you ever sought him yourself?"
"Yes, mostly because he's a valuable ally. You can't have too many of those around here."
"I take it you haven't had much luck... but I assure you we will find him. I have been watching the both of you for a long time, awaiting for the right moment."
"And I'm guessing when I was fighting those waves of daemons for years was the right time?"
"You were always ready. But, moving around, preparation, all needed to be set perfectly, you see. No hard feelings? Besides, I'm taking you to see your hero..."
[b]She blushes.[/b] "He's not my.... Alright, maybe he is my hero..."
"I understand why he is. His tales spread throughout both warp and realspace. The stories of his bravery, his fearlessness. A role model for anyone, really." He smiles as they walk. After a bit, they reach the end of the mountain trail, and descend upon the wrathgate.
[b]She watches the area before relaxing.[/b] "Yeah, the Warp Worm isn't here anymore..."
"But now, we may have more trouble to deal with. This area is rich with Daemons..."
[b]She nods and readies herself for anything.[/b]
"We must advance carefully." He readies his weapons, walking over the mounds of dried blood and bones. "I sense bloodletters ahead. Are your wounds healed?"
[b]Gwynevere draws her rapier and nods.[/b] "Yes, I'm ready for more."
As they approach, the group of Bloodletters turn their attention to them, screeching like the mad beasts they are. Noiratrom raises his maul and fires with his ornate heavy bolter, the bullets crashing into the daemons, tearing them up.
[b]Gwynevere blurs across the battlefield, thrusting and attacking the Bloodletters before they could react.[/b]
Her speed was more than a match for their brute strength. While their attacks would do much damage to her if they had hit, they were utterly pointless if they couldn't land them, and that's exactly what Gwynevere was giving them. After all, she wasn't known as The Swift for nothing...
[b]Within a minute, she had reduced their ranks to nothing.[/b] "And that's finished..."
Noiratrom puts down his gun. "And that's why I chose you. Good work..."
"Thanks..." [b]She puts her sword away[/b]
He walks past the corpses, walking along the edge of the cliff and unto the spiraling staircase. "Careful. The steps here are very dangerous."
[b]She nods and carefully walks down them.[/b]
A few minutes later, and they had gotten halfway through the stairs. And already, it was getting colder. A chilling feeling took hold of their bodies as they walked. Yet, they didn't physically feel cold. It was as if the temperature was felt at the back of their minds. An odd sensation indeed. But nothing unusual, considering they were crossing into the mad god's realm.
[b]She murmurs curses under her breath as the grip on her rapier tightens.[/b] "Can you feel it? It'll only get worse from here..." [spoiler]she's been in every part of the warp, and this place isn't her favorite.[/spoiler]
"I know... so I intend to spend as little time here as is need." They reach the bottom of the step, their feet stepping into light snow. Their breaths leave out little vapor clouds whenever they exhale, "Feryun. You know this place better than any of us. Guide us there."
"While his realm may bend and change its logic upon a whim, it is still the same nonetheless. He cannot change how the realm itself was made, he can still change its logic." It seemed like he was spouting complete nonsense, The Sorcerer knew exactly what he was talking about. "Though my magic can guide us, I cannot guarantee complete accuracy." Feryun held up a hand, creating Warp Fire. It created some sensation of warmth, but it was for offensive use.