[i]In the depths of the Bloodwrath, in one of the many dark rooms, a small light in the shape of a visor flickers on.
The visor belonged to a [url=https://imgur.com/FSBWtOc]combat suit[/url], laying on the ground, and on its front in a heap of metal. It slowly got up, its thrusters moving out of their place a bit before sliding back into their slots. Then, it stretched, and moved its hands to its back, feeling two weapons: [url=https://imgur.com/5rt4sxW]a Gauss Gun[/url] and [url=http://imgur.com/u0aUFSm]an Assault Rifle[/url], both in.. leather sheaths. How curious.
He gripped the butt of his Assault Rifle, and slid it out of its holster, holding it out in front of him to inspect it, carefully reading the engraved letters on the left side of it, above the trigger,[/i]
"Jason Fandango.. Brother of Lucas Fandango.. That's me.."
[i]He quietly said to himself from inside his suit, his voice sounding gravelly and worn, with a metallic accent to it thanks to his helmet.[/i]
"Well, no point in fiddling with my thumbs here.. Should get going.. Explore, find a base of operations, maybe some people.. Don't know what this place is though.. Shouldn't I be freaking out? Maybe, maybe.."
[i]He lowers the gun, holding it close to his heavily armoured chest before setting off into a hallway, his metal boots silently thudding into the darkness, the sounds echoing off the walls, and through the halls.
Another sound joined the echoing footsteps: the soft noise of fizzling energy. The air around him rippled like a sea as the protective barrier turned on.[/i]
"Shielding, eh? Neat.. Anyway, this shit is boring and I wanna go home already.. Or murder something.. Oooh, or both! Maybe barbeque with some cold beer.. that'd be great.."
[i]He silently muttered to himself, his greyish eyes scanning the area around him while he started to go very bored.
Then, a sound catches his attention. Faint chanting in the distance. Wait.. chanting? What kind of hellhole did he end up in now?[/i]
"What the? Chanting, huh? They trying to summon Satan or somethin'? Ah, no matter.. Just gotta wipe 'em out, because chanting can't be good, right?"
[i]He shrugs to himself, and speeds up, soon breaking into a full on sprint, making his heavy footsteps echo far through the halls. He turned a corner, and ran into a massive opening, dozens of cultists being on their knees and praising their god or some shit. He didn't know. He didn't care.
The cultists quickly started opening fire on Jason using meltas and other things. His shield absorbed most of the energy, dispersing it somewhere else, making it so the suit remained undamaged.
Jason opened fire on the cultists, the plasma coated bullets fired from his Assault Rifle tearing through them with ease, sending pieces of flesh and bone all over the place, painting the walls and the floor. Jason grinned underneath his helmet as blood from a nearby cultist splattered over his helmet.
Click, click, click.[/i]
"Bloody 'ell, gonna need a reload.."
[i]Jason muttered to himself as he let go of his rifle with one hand, and used it to smash a cultist's head in, cracking the skull and smashing the brain, making all sorts of stuff leak out of the cultist's head, some of the stuff splattering on Jason.
With his free hand he grabbed the other gun off his back. His Gauss Gun. He aimed it at one of the few remaining cultists with one hand, and pulled the trigger. With a deafening bang, a massive alloy of depleted uranium flies out of the Gauss Gun, sped up to several times the speed of sound. It hit a cultist dead in the chest, tearing through it and hitting another cultist behind the first one, eventually ramming into a wall.
Soon, all cultists were dead, and a room filled with body parts, dead bodies, and a covered Jason remained, a grin on his face. He loved this. It was the thing he was made for. Killing.
He sheathed the Gauss Gun on his back, and quickly reloaded the Assault Rifle, sheathing it afterwards. He then slowly continued his trip through the halls.[/i]
[i]After a long while, Jason arrives somewhere strange. He had been called there, but by what? Who knows.. Anyhow.. The place was very strange to him, because there were many different buildings, people, and even a luscious green area, inhabited by massive figures in hulking armour, dragon wings on their backs. The rest was vague to him, the distance being too big. [/i]
"Well, hot diggity damn! Look-ee look at what I found! People.. Maybe hostile, hopefully not though.. Might wait around here, at the edge.. Not approach anyone until I'm approached.. Sounds like a plan!"
[i]He said as he stood still, both hands clenched into fisticuffs as he looked around. Then, he simply sat down on his shiny metal ass, taking a couple of deep breaths as he went over what had happened, eventually tilting his head down as he slowly closed his eyes, though he stayed firmly awake.[/i]
[b]Through a small wormhole, a figure clothed in scarlet appears in front of you. Around him seems to be a malevolent aura.[/b][i]Hello.[/i][b]The Hunter begins to float upside down in the air.[/b]
[i]The man slowly opens one of his grey-silverish eyes, his gun already being off his back and aimed at The Hunter.[/i] "Oi, oi, oi. Who the 'ell are you? And what was that kinda portal shite?"
[b]The Hunter simply moves his hand and you are disarmed.[/b][i]I am the Hunter. I'm a half-god.[/i]
"OI, WHERE THE BLOODY 'ELL DID MY GUN GO YA DAMN MAGICIAN!" [i]He yelled, his voice laced with a Russian accent. [/i] "Ahem, anyway, half-god? The Hunter? Dunno you."
[b]Your gun suddenly appears above you and hits you in the head.[/b][i]Russian, eh? Haha. Don't tell anyone, but in this universe, Russia doesn't exist. Neither does Earth. You, my friend, are in an alternate dimesion.[/i]
[i]Thanks to the gel layer in his suit, his thick ass armour, and his energy shielding, he didn't feel a thing, catching the surprisingly light gun after it hit him. [/i] "Alternate dimension? Well, that sounds mighty fun! Means more things to do than back home.. FUN SHIT!"
[i]Yeah.[/i][i]All sorts of stuff happen here. Like murder, betrayal, more murder, et cetera et cetera.[/i] [spoiler]BTW my dude is self aware he's in an RP[/spoiler]
[spoiler]How's that work. [/spoiler] "Yes, that actually sounds fun! Like, SERIOUSLY FUN! HAHAH!" [i]He chuckles, keeping himself from bursting into full psychopathic laughter. [/i]
[spoiler]IDK it just does.[/spoiler] [i]Yeah. No clue how some petty mortal like you could access the highly complicated infrastructure of dimensions though.[/i]
"Okay, rude, I'm leaving." [i]He said, his li'l feelings being hurt, and he walked off without another word. [/i]
[spoiler]Well then.[/spoiler] [spoiler]End[/spoiler]
[spoiler]U hurt his feels[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Feels are for n00bs[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
*A chuckle can be heard as a figure walks up to you. He appears human, except a mask covers most of his face, only revealing his blazing crimson eyes, telling of a demonic origin. He didn't seem hostile, just wondering why you are here* Hey, you there? -
[i]The man's eyes slowly open while his Assault Rifle was already off his back and aimed at the stranger. His finger was off the trigger, though the stranger damn well knew that he could open fire in an instant. The man certainly was very fast. [/i] "Hmm? I'm here, yes.."
Bramd - old
Who the hell ARE you exactly? *He doesn't seem intimidated as he walks up and slowly moves the gun away from his direction with two fingers* -
[i]The stranger's legs were sweeped from underneath him, though the gun didn't fire. The man then literally jumped to his feet, keeping his gun trained on the other person. [/i] "Who the fück wanna know?"
Edited by BrandRobKus: 7/5/2016 1:30:51 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*The split second he hits the floor, he dissolves into it and reforms a few feet away* I wanna know. What's your name and where did you come from? *Mortar holds out his hand, and an iron ball the size of a basketball forms in his hand* -
[i]He very slowly lowers the gun, but stays all tensed up. [/i] "You haven't harmed me yet.. So maybe you're pretty okay, but first; why the 'ell dya wanna know?"
Bramd - old
Curiosity. One of the few things that propels many species forward. *The iron ball begins to spin much quicker* -
"Ah.. Well, me name is Jason, and I'm from a li'l country named Russia on the beautiful planet of Earth.. From the main capital, Moscow. Beautiful place."
Bramd - old
Ah, I vacationed there, great place. As for me, I'm Mortar, your friendly neighborhood Ex God slash war demon. Was living in the Underworld for the first twenty thousand years of my life, then hung out in Jersey for the next 30 or so years, in the United States of America.