Hi Bungie , please think about getting a firing range for weapons that we have to test and practice
the cost of using the range should be about 100 to 250 Glimmers / 30 mins without concerns for ammo (auto refill) and moving targets
this way it will help us (players) to better improve and also provide more data for gun effectiveness.
Guardians who would appreciate this .. vote below and bump it up ! Tks !
I think it's a great idea and it would also possibly fix the nerd info problems because it will give guardians a chance to improve their skill for both PvE and PvP.
though it would be cool, why not just go on patrol to test your weapon? I would think most guardians who are completing the gunsmith test weapons do so through patrol (for the vanguard ones). is this not the same concept. But if your going to put one in. How about a top scorer for the day if it's a shooting gallery. Can't take credit for this idea for I think it was brought up some time ago.
Now that we dropped last gen it should be possible
It should not cost anything. WE'RE DEFENDING THE -blam!-ING CITY!
I think that a firing range would be a great thing to add.It offers so many uses to the guardians, such as testing melee, new guns, and to see if it's even worth putting time into.I have put some thought into it, what if they added it to the new social space in the new DLC.Rise of Iron did state that it was adding a new social environment.I think that adding it here would be a great idea.Its a great way, and time to ad in something new.If they do, and theirs problems with it, they can fix it shortly after their release of the DLC.Cause let's be honest, what DLC has been flawless so far?Im excited to see how they would implement this into the game, that is if try do.
It's simple really .... Pick your shooting range. It could be a very simple map. No need for flash maps. Pick if you want cover or open map for longer engagements. Pick your weapons. Every single weapon is available. Pick your armour, again everything in the game is available to you to test. Pick your enemy and their level. Every enemy and every level is available. If they shoot back or not. Good for melee testing. Load in, have fun and start testing. This way we would know what weapons and armour we want to grind for. Plus what damage my new gun will actually do to a level 42 yellow bar. This can't be achieved on patrol. Thoughts?
I agree but it shouldn't cost money and should be sound proofed so you don't have to listen to rocket launcher n shit 24/7
Y1 request ignored with the rest of the request I would have a better chance of asking the wife to stop beotch ing than for this to happen
Edited by Woods: 7/5/2016 5:45:47 PMThis is an amazing idea. I fully support this. It is boring just waiting for your friends to do their thing at the tower and this could be something we could do while we wait. Maybe Bungie can make it like the Prison Of Elders and make it so guardians can pick the enviorment they wanna test at and the type of ads or guardians they're shooting at. Thoughts?
Bump. [spoiler]No, seriously, great idea![/spoiler]
God no. Remember the heavy glitch? The annoying -blamblamblamblamblam- through every goddamn raid? Maybe if it was an isolated, soundproofed instance
Let us have a test range at the tower with the weapon fully upgraded there only. That way we could decide to spend our time and resources on it or not.
Why would something not really necessary cost money?!?!
Just go to patrol.
I wish they had an option to choose whether you want 1st person or 3rd then a firing range would be acceptable.
massa - old
Always thought that this would be a great concept. And how good would it be if the perks were able to be used while on the range. -
It would also be nice to have targets that we could test melee/grenade damage on to get numbers for testing, instead of having to go into PvP with people willing to sit still and be tested on.
If you listen long enough in the tower you will hear a message over the intercom: "Attention Hunters. Pay no attention to Cayde-6. There are no plans for a firing range in the tower." Not kidding. It says that.
How about I can just shoot wherever I want lol. Be fun shooting up the Speaker and the Cryptarch
I'd really like to see how much damage Is being done in the area of the body you shoot(as if you were really firing at a guardian) with each weapon.
A game like borderlands 2 had this it was awesome. No reason not to not have it.
God yes, so many times when I get a new gun and infuse it and want to try it out I always end up flying to the cosmodrome. Would love to just frak around and shoot at targets in the tower
This would be great! A fun way to test out weapons without dropping a k/d.
Would love this. It'd be great if we could like turn a perk on and off to see how much it really does.
Would definitely love this. I hate to try out a gun in crucible only for it to not be compatible with me. One suggestion, don't make the range a line range but an interactive place where you can move around and jump. Maybe have some AI just for giggles. They don't have to be smart AI just be there moving around