So I played a couple matches of IB on my striker. Did average (like usual) and wanted to spice things up a bit.
Cue the sunbreaker-max discipline-armamentarium-fusion nades.
Also I put simmering flames on and never popped super. That's a sticky grenade every 12.5 seconds.
I still did average (1.5 k/d) but it just felt so dirty starting ever engagement with a fusion toss. If it stuck, I turned and ran. If it didn't, I tried to outgun.
I think I need a shower now. What's the dirtiest setup you've ever run?
Max super charge rate with bad juju. Pre-nerf sunbreaker. Cauterize w/ more hammers perk. Yeah, I was that guy. I considered it sweet sweet justice for every time I was killed by bladedancer or GG in year one. If I was feeling like being a real shit, I'd specifically target one guy and constantly shut down his super every time he popped it. If I wanted hate mail, I'd only target him specifically, dance and tea bag after every kill. Super fun in trials against sweaties. You just see their performance take a dump.
Edited by stitchjuju: 7/2/2016 7:41:29 AMOne of the best setups I've used. Stormcaller+increased chaining ability +bad juju+the next big thing( full auto)+ perpetual charge+the impossible machines+max intellect. People were running every time they saw me after my first super. I have tried several Sunsinger setups, but I don't seem to do well at all. Stuck at 10/30 radiance kills. Void Walker+ obsidian mind+bad juju+two to the morgue/sidearm+shatter+bloom+max intellect. In a full room drop the Nova bomb and giggle. First hate mail I ever got was from that setup.
Almost went unbroken in iron banner with year one universal remote and sidearm
Edited by Forum Vethi: 7/2/2016 7:08:29 PMGo take a shower
[spoiler]storm with ahamkara's grasp with thorn shotty[/spoiler]
If you really want to feel dirty use pocket infinity. It's honestly the best fusion rifle in the game. I'm actually really glad no one uses it because that thing is impossible to counter.
After the tripmine nerf where you can't stick them to other players, I tried blade dancer with the sticky grenade they have. Everytime it was up, I'd just stick the enemy and take cover, it was the easiest thing ever. Then I'd hit my super, which made me go invis immediately and wreck the other team. I felt pretty damn dirty, so I switched back to gunslinger to give the other teams a chance.
Juggernaut with almost maxed agility, Universal Remote and a legendary shotgun sounds filthy.
ToM with max armor, recovery and Titan shields , you will fell like God just #$@% on you, for luck
I gotta say playing inferno matches with sealed ahamkara grasps and backstab on my blade dancer and hiding in a corner invisible waiting for someone to walk by and backstab them.
I used vex well until it was destroyed. :/
It's ok. At least you didn't Hunter.
Edited by A Patrolling Guardian: 7/1/2016 1:54:33 PMA Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
[quote][b][i]I'M DIRTY DAN. You can be Pinhead Larry.[/i][/b][/quote] -
I used thorn
Void walker with blink Shot package shotty Thorn Back when that stuff was top of the line. Did 1 game. Never again. NEVER again
Last Word. ;I
Year 1 Trials of Osiris. Bladedancer Hunter with Blink, Quickdraw, Hungering Blade, Efrideets with final round, Last Word and Tomorrow's Answer. Absolutely disgusting, and I could swap out Efrideets with Matador 64 for blink shotgun goodness.
Year one. void fang vestments with double fusion Nades. Every spawn I have two. I hated myself but was so fun.
Edited by HoldayInCambodiA: 7/1/2016 12:34:44 PMProper firebolt with proper Thorn and a wallhack sniper. Made me feel bad. Edit: a word.
My dirtiest setup is Titan skate + Shoulder charge + Universal remote + flashbang 'nades
Last word with pre nerf Sunsinger with fire bolts, almost max discipline and heart of praxis fire. I basically started off every engagement with a firebolt
Why is this dirty? Because you have some notion about honor in the Crucible? Kill the enemy, that is the objective.. -blam!- all about how you get there.. There is no honor in being dead!!!
Warlock + Void + Bad Juju + Obsidian = supers galore!
Universal Remote plus Party Crasher+1.
Edited by zxionisus: 7/1/2016 5:34:37 AMDirtiest was before TTK with Warlock sunsinger, ram head, firebolt grenades, Viking funeral, touch of flame, thorn and Felwinters Lie. It's the only time I got hate mail.
Don't bound yourself with imaginary rules to appease others. Play to win, that's the objective.