Another one bby ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Yeah, well, my little baby girl can do big things too. Sometimes."
holy shit three in a row, this should be a game. "Well then, just don't let any Tech Priests near it or they'll use their tools on it." if you catch my meaning ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Hmm, I wasn't planning on letting anyone stick their tools anywhere near her, and especially not in her." ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡0)
kms pls. "Good, because it is a long, hard process to get whatever they did fixed." (◉ ͜ʖ◉)
Enemylifepls "And I'm sure she'll be a bitch to use afterwards, might have 'viruses' and over nasty stuff." If you catch my drift bby.
"Im pretty sure they have protection to prevent that sort of stuff. Now I feel like sitting down and evaluating my life choices."
"And I'm feeling like not dangling off a fifteen feet tall thing with my head down only I can't get back up onto the mech's head so please help? Before I fall and die?"
Chloanne walked over, now she wasn't really ideal for catching people due to her not so impressive muscle mass. "I'm uh..not sure I can catch you. I can try but I'll probably break something in the process."
Edited by Nibber Schipper: 6/30/2016 9:03:04 PM"This isn't gonna end well, is it? Dear Christ almighty, this is gonna be my end.." He said, straightening his legs, unhooking himself from his mech's head, sending him tumbling down fifteen feet. As soon as he was loose, he uses his arms and legs to position himself a bit better, now being sideways instead of upside down. Then, he probably hit Chloe unless she was a bitch and gtfo'd. He was surprisingly light; he still hit hard, but he was still rather light, around.. One fifty pounds?
"[b]FÜCK![/b]" Was the word Chloanne shouted in pain as she had Lucas ontop of her. "[b]I THINK I BROKE A COUPLE BONES![/b]" She once again yelled as she was in pain. "[b]THANKS ALOT FATASS, COULD HAVE WARNED ME.[/b]"
Lucas just groans in response, rolling off and getting to his feet with a soft yelp. He was holding his left arm close to his body, and his left leg was.. off. He was biting his lower lip rather hard too. "Broke a rib or two.. Arm.. Leg.. Bad idea.. Platform next time.. Sorry!" He said to himself, the pain making him a bit delirious.
Chloanne coughed. "My whole body hurts like hell right now." Using her left arm she clutched her chest. " certainly broke some of my ribs...fatass." She coughed once more. "Atleast I'm not..dead."
"Fatass? I weigh about one hundred fifty pounds, which is about.. sixty kilos? And that's definitely not fat considering I'm six feet tall!" He retorted, pain in his voice, his breathing heavy and rugged, like he had just ran two marathons.
"And I'm like..90 something pounds. Damn this hurts..get a doctor." She wheezed out in pain. "If we die..I'm going to..kick your the afterlife..fatass."
[spoiler]90 something pounds ≈ 45 kilos which is unhealthy I think. Not sure though. DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT. [/spoiler] "Calm down, sissy.. You won't die from a couple broken ribs.. Unless said ribs tear up your insides, because then you're royally fücked. But you're still alive, so you're probably fine!" He said, his breathing a wheeze at this point.
Edited by Anonymous: 6/30/2016 9:57:05 PM[spoiler]Most females weigh from 80 to 140 on average. She's fine.[/spoiler] "Still..I don't feel like..dying." She wheezed out once more. Chloanne held one of her voluptuous breasts, possibly a broken bone under it, or maybe they were just uncomfortable ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "My life's..pretty shitty."
[spoiler]Aha.[/spoiler] "Yeah, well, mine is too, actually.. Eh, it was fun when I was sixteen to eighteen, but then I went off to a military school and eventually enlisted in the military.. Fought in a war.." He pauses to catch his breath. "It got great again though once I arrived on this ship.." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
She rolled over onto her back, with tremendous pain. "Shit..we're literally stuck here. with no one in sight at all." She groaned in pain as she said that. "I do not know how much suffering you had, but I apologize."
"Maybe your metal friend with the Knight can help? And no need to apologize; you didn't know, after all.. And besides, it's fine, honestly.. I've stopped caring about my past by now."
Edited by Anonymous: 6/30/2016 11:22:54 PMArknin, after a while of climbing down a shaft because he is a slow fuk finally made it to the Duo. "[b][u]Are you okay?[/u][/b]" The Priest asked "[b]DO WE LOOK OKAY!?[/b]" Chloanne yelled to a near screeching tone, she was not having Arknins shit today. "[b]GET THE MEDICAE YOU USELESS ROBO DICK![/b]" The Priest ran the fück off, scared of Chloanne. She groaned in pain from all the yelling, clearly she should calm down.
Lucas gave a small chuckle when he saw Arnakin(?) run off, making his chest move, which in turn made him groan in fücking agony. "Oh goddammit just kill me right now.." He muttered to himself, with a distasteful undertone.
"I" She said, eventually Arknin came back with some Medics, who proceeded to lift up the two from the ground. "Took your sweet fùcking time!" She told the Priest. "[b][u]I apologize, they weren't there when I first made it.[/u][/b]" As they were carried away by the medics Chloanne wondered how Ling would take this situation.
As Lucas was carried away, he silently pondered about how he was in deep shit with whoever Chloanne was dating, and with Ling. Basically he was wishing that a magical unicorn would come out of nowhere and saved his ass. "I'm in trouble now.."
Sadly, in the grimjob universe of 40k unicorns don't come and save people. He was in really deep shit with Ling now. Speaking of the pissed of brother, he actually had no idea she was injured at this moment. But Arknin disappeared, probably to tell him of this. "You do realize..that Ling is..going to..beat the shit..out of you...right?" She wheezed out quietly. "Then he's probably going to..make a scene in"
"Beat the shit out of me? Very likely.. Luckily I'm not completely out of the game yet.. Can bite the pain down, probably.." He replied, his breathing having returned to normal. He was already recovering from the pain. "Might bust my bones up a little more though.. Oh well, better that than another broken bone or two."
Edited by Anonymous: 7/1/2016 10:22:01 AM"Im going to be in here for a long ass time." She remarked, her breathing was still kind of messed up. "Oh well, may as well enjoy the company of..Ling. Wow I seriously..need new friends." At this point the doors to the main entrance swung open with a loud bang. "Where the fück is my sister!?" The Inquisitor yelled. "Speak of the devil..." He speed walked across the hospital, the Priest tailing him.