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Edited by KingArthur: 7/3/2016 8:50:45 PM

Bungie! Nightfall rewards... fix it!

This has probably been brought up before but I felt compelled to make a post. I used to run Nightfall every week on each charecter. For the most part it would yield an exotic as an end reward but not always. Point being, it was worth doing. Now, I have run it every week since the April update and the rewards are total garbage. Mostly blue gear and an ocassional legendary at 330 is the highest I have recieved.. (Charecter is 335) Hey Bungie, can we get a fix for this please?? Edit: Thank you to everyone for has kept this thread going. Keep the posts coming and maybe we can get their attention and make this right!

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  • Edited by rtopz: 7/3/2016 6:22:51 PM
    The question is, what reward do you really hope for? 3oC can give you almost every exotic all that's left are legendaries. Frankly I rather have a free emote than a horn kit or srl junk. Yeah it shouldn't give you blues...but right now the best rewards are strange coins. Note, exotics y1 guarantee for how diff that y1 NF was made sense...die = orbit.

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  • 3 weeks in a row a 330 vanguard shell wtf and my friend told me a guy on his fireteam got a horn for a sparrow are you kidding me come on bungie

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    2 Replies
    • One can only hope that they lift their heads up from snorting coke off of hookers' asses long enough to read your pleads.

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    • Need one for night fall add PSN Shemerz cp at boss

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    • Need one for night fall add PSN Shemerz cp at boss

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    • Yes pls bungie y1 it was worth doing y2 you get the same rewards as a heroic strike pretty much best I've gotten is a pair of 293 boots

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    • Need one for night fall add PSN Shemerz cp at boss

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    • Need one for night fall add PSN Shemerz cp at boss

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    • Nightfall isn't really geared towards end game players. Its there to get you ready for end game, not serve as end game.

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    • Nightfall drops UP TO 330 light. Read what Bungie writes every now and then people. If you want 335 gear and don't want the raid, run CotE. Ungrateful people here. Remember when the only way to get max light earlier this year was to run HM King's Fall? Or maybe bash your head against the wall and hope you go flawless in Trials? Now they give you more ways to get to 335 and you all still complain. If I was a Bungie dev, I'd have pictures of all of you in my room and I'd use them as dartboards.

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    • Nightfall drops have always been the same and there is nothing wrong with them, you botching about the light level of the gear, but did you know that's some of the only gear that drops at tier 12? It may only be 330 light but with the infusion system how hard is it to get it up 5 light levels? Stop complaining everything has a light cap get over it

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    • [quote]This has probably been brought up before but I felt compelled to make a post. I used to run Nightfall every week on each charecter. For the most part it would yield an exotic as an end reward but not always. Point being, it was worth doing. Now, I have run it every week since the April update and the rewards are total garbage. Mostly blue gear and an ocassional legendary at 330 is the highest I have recieved.. (Charecter is 335) Hey Bungie, can we get a fix for this please?? Edit: It seems I am not alone, which I figured . This post is gaining some traction.... keep the posts coming and maybe we can get their attention and make this right![/quote] Absolutely agree, for the first time since I've started playing this game, I don't want to do the nightfall as there is no just rewards, and also since the last update a couple weeks ago my Titan has started getting green engrams again, why?

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      1 Reply
      • The night falls are relatively hard some weeks (much harder than COE) so I think we should be able to get 335 legendaries since you get them in COE.

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        • Used to get exotics now I get crap

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        • Edited by Brent1016: 7/1/2016 4:25:20 AM
          Watched my 8 yr old son and his friends struggle through the nightfall only to keep wiping at the mind .. So I jumped in to save the day for them as they were ready to call it quits, basically had to solo the boss as his two teammates kept dying on me, then to watch the rewards screen drop 11 3oC drop for one kid, a shitty fusion for another, and my son got 5 motes and the worst HMG in the game! The dullivan! And it dropped at a lower light than what he had equipped so it was totally useless and dismantled for marks !! And that is the reason I don't run the nightfall anymore

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        • I don't need any shitty loot I already have, I want coins, motes or 3oC every time, like 20

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        • Six straight weeks with a 330 vanguard ghost shell on my hunter. Haven't ran this week yet.

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        • You should ALL be thankful for getting 20 strange coins or 11 3oCs. I mean, they're so hard to come by these days right? I used to never have strange coins cuz I'd spend them all on stuff. Now I'm up to like 330 coins and I'm wondering why. Then I realize it's because they're all coming from nightfall rewards.

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          3 Replies
          • Nightfall has been terrible since TTK dropped. You are better served just doing CoE and only running the NF to farm for strike specific legendary items

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          • 1
            A Patrolling Guardian
            A Patrolling Guardian

            See you, Space Cowboy. - old

            [b][i]WORKING AS INTENDED.[/i][/b]

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          • I got a 330 vangaurd ghost last week

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          • I would rather have them add the nightfall modifier back than get terrible rewards each week

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          • The last thing I got for doing this weeks nightfall was a sparrow tool kit. -blam!- my life...

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          • I used to do nightfalls not for the rewards, but for the xp bonus it used to give since I have to work. Now it's mostly disappointing rewards not really worth the time.

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            • 1
              I've been getting fall emote packages, 3of Coins, sometimes exotics, and gear at 330. Everything except the 330 gear is worth it.

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            • Actually got jade rabbit finally last week For the most part it is garbage

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