Bramd - old
Oh come onnn... this is the experience of a lifetime. You're gonna look back on this and say "this is the best goddamn thing I've done, and you know what? I was happy to do it." Plus, if you're gonna be here, you gotta learn how to kill on your own. -
"Well, gimme something that I can actually use - say, an actual gun - and maybe I won't have to hide in a freaking corner," I grumbled. Really, the hell did they expect me to do with a [i]knife[/i]?
Bramd - old
You can do a lot with a knife. But if you must... *Mortar pulls out what appears to be a .44 Magnum. It is grey and crimson, and the barrel emits a green haze.* I expect this weapon returns to me when I am done. -
...[i]God fücking damnit[/i]. With a sigh and a cringe, I gingerly took hold of the weapon, not entirely sure even holding the damn thing was healthy for me. Maybe someday I'd find something approaching sane in this place, but this was not that day.
Bramd - old
Don't worry, the weapon's fine, it's just... strange looking. It's modified. Don't worry, past this is a General's base, where people are being held for their protection. Those people are more... your speed -
I sighed at that, taking a more firm grip of the weapon. "Let's just get this over with," I mumbled.
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods as he dissolves into the ground. After a few seconds he reforms behind one of the cultists and slices his sword through him. The other cultists notice, and Mortar is locked in combat with two other cultists. Crossbow takes his... well... crossbow, and slowly advances, and Mion stands next to you* [b]so... who are you exactly?[/b] -
I sighed as I came around the corner, taking aim at one of the cultists that was farthest away from Mortar. "Oh, just your friendly neighborhood college nerd in way over his head." I pulled the trigger.
Bramd - old
*The cultist gets shot in the arm, it seems to almost become more lethargic. It seemed to be a Tranquilizer gun, but much deadlier. Meanwhile, Mortar looks like he's done this loads of times before, and he probably has, but he looks like he's having fun. I guess years of combat wore him down, or he likes a fair fight. The other cultist runs at you, a sacrificial knife in hand* -
Take your time, breathe in, aim center mass, breathe out, squeeze the trigger smoothly.
Bramd - old
*While you do that, the cultist gets dangerously close. It recoils slightly, but let's out a cry when an arrow gets lodged an it's arm* [i]Okay, I'm gonna assist Mortar. Use your knife if he gets too close[/i] -
I didn't respond, taking another shot at the slowed cultist, hoping this thing was good for more than just slowing shit.
Bramd - old
*The cultist definitely looked weak, but he lunged at you, knife aimed at your neck* -
Edited by Kell in a Cell: 6/25/2016 5:00:32 PM[i]For fück's sake[/i], I thought, dodging to the side just barely as I dropped the gun and pulled out the knife. Not waiting for the cultist to recover, I tackled it to the ground before plunging the knife into the side of its neck, all the way to the hilt, then twisted.
Bramd - old
*It makes a strange gurgle sound, the knife still there as it charges you$ -
[spoiler]We're both on the ground, me on top.[/spoiler]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Oh...[/spoiler] *The knife still in it's neck, it tries to violently stab you with it own, it manages to cut your arm* -
"Shit!" I yell, partly in surprise but mostly in pain. Wrenching the knife from its neck, I start stabbing it in the face. Repeatedly. "Why?!" Stab. "Won't?!" Stab. "You?!" Stab. "Just?!" Stab. "Fücking?!" Stab. "Die?!"
Bramd - old
*Ultimately, the cultist is so injured it can't move. That can count as dead. As for the one fighting Mortar, well, he's still active* -
Hissing as I stood up, I did my best to stem the blood flowing from my arm as I walked over to a wall and sat down. "Damnit, this is exactly what I was afraid of..." I mumbled, severely pissed at Mortar and the others. Seriously, like they actually needed my help dealing with these guys.
Bramd - old
*Mion flies over to you* [b]Ah, crap. What happened, and what do i need to get?[/b] -
With a hiss, I began to take off my hoodie, so that Mion could get a better look at the cut. "The gun was about as effective - ah, shit - as a wet noodle, and the - motherfücker - and the knife wasn't much better. I stabbed the - gaaaah, God damnit - the fücker in the neck all the way and he still didn't die. Managed to do this before I could stop him." I said, now with my hoodie partially off and pointing to the cut.
Bramd - old
[b]Oh, that looks bad... I mean, I've seen worse, but... I dunno. Mortar usually uses that gun as a distraction, then stabs them violently. That could have been good info to have though [/b] -
"You see, THIS is why I wanted to hang back." I sighed, wincing. "Think you can do something about it? It'll be difficult, but if I die, I'm sure I can find a way to hate that bastard more."
Bramd - old
[b] You're not gonna die, it's just a cut arm.[/b] *Mion walks over to Crossbow's backpack and pushes it to you* [b]See if there's anything in there[/b]