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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/24/2016 6:19:03 PM

Bramd old

[i] He'll come back, he has ways of doing so.[/i] *Almost as if on cue, a strange Whooshing sound can be heard behind you, and Mortar walks up behind you* Oh, hey guys, I didn't know you were here. When did you get here? [i]I'm not sure exactly...[/i] [b]I found him passed out on the ground [/b] Strange... Well, unfortunately, that is the only exit. I'd summon Nekoluga, but he's too big to fit here and will just be a waste of space. Looks like we're gonna have to bite the bullet and take on these guys. [b]Yeah, you do that, and I'm gonna go back where i came from.[/b] No, Mion, you gotta stay. [b]fineeeeee...[/b]

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