Sniper have gotten to a point where they are literal perfect weapons for any bad player or good one, to put it simply sniping in destiny takes no skill.
Point one: Snipers are extremely easy to handle. (STOP! Actually read this out before you run to comment.) What I mean is switch time. It makes no sense for something so long and stalky to be put away so quickly. However it does make sense for side arms, tiny pistol when primary runs out or fusion rifles, because once you shot the round you can't instantly shoot again. Honestly, you could defend shotguns switch time as well, but I'm not touching that can of worms because people's bottoms really hurt when those words leave your lips. Anyway, Pick up any sniper in this game and you can pull it out like any CQC weapons which is a huge problem somebody should not be able to whip out their sniper body shot then finish off with the primary it should take a few seconds to put away such long and big weapons not snap on our backs in a millisecond.
Point two: Snipers shouldn't be two shots in destiny. Sniper are extremely powerful weapons which makes sense heavy damage in exchange for no CQC ability with it and massive damage for landing precision shots. However this isn't the case because snipers have plenty of CQC ability due to snipers being able to kill in two body shots and it's switch time being fast (excluding perks cause as much as I don't think fast switching is valid, exchanging a perk for faster switching is completely fair.) Pair that to the fact that almost any sniper in this game LITERALLY almost any sniper can two shot a guardian. Now you may think "he's going down lanes he deserver it, or he could of dodge, get good". But that's easier said then done when an average player who isn't adept to CQC combat or is trying to get in range for a kill, or the player who knows exactly what their doing get shot in the body and is quickly melted by said sniper or his teammate. Now if snipers were three shot or lost damage based on distance closer meaning less (which is a debatable solution due to map size. The goal isn't to ruin snipers but balance them.) But how current snipers are any person can take a sniper and use it to win fights or matches they wouldn't win if snipers weren't OP. This is turning out favorite game types into who is the better sniper/dodger and the only part of the sniper meta that takes skill are dodging the bullets that come from a gun that practically guides them and the guardians who close that gap. (Trials of Osiris). Speaking of trials why on earth can people res snipe? Not to open that can of worms too much, but I'll leave at this how much skill does it take to a shoot at something that literally can't move unless someone else pushes it.
Point three: Sniper in destiny have such high aim assist, the game practically aims for the person. (I need clarify what I mean by this so thank you to the pro sniper debaters who brought it up) Basically AA makes the reticle of a sniper stick the player who is being aimed at and it leave quite a large window then other games and some time it registers hit which clearly are missing and if you add hidden hand you can see shot whizzing pass a person head and some how it actually hits and that is baloney. Now before you say server side issues, A) doesn't exclude the fact that it happens. B) Bungie has no Intention of getting better servers. Plus no recoil for being shot at unless you have high caliber rounds or a high impact weapon which is ridiculous you have conform your primary to beat a special. plus no wobble/sway while aim down sights. Now pretty much any sniper in any other game will penalize you in some way when you get shot. It makes sense, in exchange for the power you wield in your hand you get punished for bad sniping by unscoping or flinching. But in destiny you simply ignores it all and says "Oh I got shot? Well I can still pump two bullets into you or shoot you once in the body and finish you off with my Primary lol" that shouldn't be the case. Instead how about snipers have wobble and you zoom out once shot. Similar to other fast pace game like Halo or CoD. (Note: People didn't like those examples. Sorry but it's true.)
Keep in mind these are PVP only changes! Not PVE ones!
Edit 1: (remove due to valid points)
Edit 2: Keep it up guys I want to have this discussion.
Edit 3: agree or disagree I'm happy for how civil everyone has been thank you. Also I would appreciate it if everyone continue to bump this I want to have larger discussion about this getting more of the community involved.
Edit 4: wow guys so many replies so many discussions at this rate with this many replies and hopefully even more bumps we can get a community manager to notice!
Edit 5: Hey everyone I hope your well I've been playing destiny since day one and I love it. But I believe change needs to happen but if your able to prove me wrong I'll change what I'm saying but that means legit debates not name calling.
Edit 6: Huge update read above.
Edit 7: Hey debaters I hope all of you are well. Now through out this post I've learned many thing about sniping that have made me rethink some of what I said. However, I've Also seen quite a lot of information confirming my beliefs. So I will continue to support this post. Please be civil and respectful and keep bumping this post so the debate continues. Thank you so much! Also 843+ POST? HOLY SHIT!
Edit 8: 1,000 replies and still no replies from bungie? Well hopefully at 2,000. Also anyone who does read this I hope you have a great day!
Edit 9: WE DID IT!
I agree. You cant get near the enemy spawn because there is always that one kid with a 1000 yard stare
Nothing in destiny takes skill!!!
Post a link to your history, or your post name, is it the same as your gamertag?
Id just love for people to use primaries, the reliability special weapons give is hella. I notice how reliable special weapons are in trials when you drain a team of their special, and after that they are useless because every lane is free from a hardscoper. What I think would fix sniping in destiny would be to add descoping like in halo, when you are shot. In pvp only, in pve that would make KF a little challenging.
I disagree
Edited by Aname: 6/26/2016 10:32:38 AMMy idea is to get de-scoped on being critical hit against with anything. Lasts for two seconds to force a sniper to disengage add they should. You shouldn't be able to just take hits from the someone and still make the shot. Hell, works for pve as well. Only a few enemies will even crit you to begin with
Snipers should be harder and slower to handle, they should de-scope when hit.
I'm not a fan of snipers at all and I think all they need is a descope on headshots or crits. That would make them counterable. And maybe remove Quickdraw from their perk table. You should not be able to 180 quicksope me while under fire.
Edited by Xii Alpha iiXx: 6/25/2016 9:25:31 PMShut up meg. No. Snipers haven't changed much since the Launch of Destiny. They have actually been negatively adjusted. The aim assist values are all with the same range since Launch. My "The Supremacy" has 68 aim assist. My 1000 yard only has 54. Then why are sniper rifles so popular? First off they always have been in 3v3. Specially Trials. Fine round anyone? What has changed? Kill times on Primary almost 4x. Now people have more time to duck in and out of cover. They have longer to line up a shot because you have to spend so much time killing one person, they have almost 4x the average human reaction time to line up a shot on someone who is engaged else where. Despite heavy Flinch, they can fire at lest 2 to 3 shots before you can kill them with a Primary weapon. Snipers are fine. They always have been, they are one of the few constant in this game. PRIMARIES NEED A BUFF. When this happens the amount of special weapons will drop. Guardians csn be strong again...but not without their weapons...since bungie is just nerfing subclasses down as well. Aim assist can be a horrible thing. How many times Grasp took me off my main target vs my hawksaw is ridiculous. But it could also but what I explained down below. Shotguns have the same range of aim assist as Sniper Rifles. 40 to 70. Party crasher has 70. Aim assist is like honey. It helps things stick better so you can hit your target. It doesn't aim for you. It's about hit detection. If you have ever played Ouaji(?) You are moving it but can't tell. Happens in gaming just as much. When someone runs past your screen the chances of you wanting to move towards that target is high even if you are not aware of doing it. Not a guarantee but more reasonable then further nerfing our characters into kinderguardians.
Instead of nerf them, I say make maps where my Scout Rifle can outshoot them without being caught in pulse rifle range. I miss Combined Arms...
The nerfs to other good primary options has made snipers the best option for people. If they had kept mida how it was it was a great counter to snipers. If primaries continue to get nerfed snipers will continue to dominate and the gap will get farther apart.
Agree, nerf them to the ground.
I have to disagree, I suck at sniping but enjoy trying it on one or two maps. I also do not see where it is a huge sniper problem more than it is a very good player problem. So I think that Bungie needs to nerf good skillful playing.. you get too many kill streaks or go too positive kd too often, you are banned for a half hour. Then we can finally run around without being out played and weapons will finally seem balanced!
I agree with your argument, but i isn't something that is nerfable, snipers always one shot to the head and two shot to the body
As much as I like my weylorans march and quickscoping with it. It is true that SOME snipers do in fact need a nerf in the aim assist department.
Another problem is map design. At least 90% of maps are 3 lane snipers lanes. U can go down the lane without a sniper sitting on one end. Maps like Sector 618 is one of the where u dont see this crap. Pantheon is the worst.
If it's a 1 hit headshot it should be bolt action with no reload exploit imo. Semi auto snipers should be 2 head/1head, 2 body. There's literally no difference between using a sniper and a scout in destiny.
I agree! Maybe 1 a one shot but make it hard to aim or something
[quote]Sniper have gotten to a point where they are literal perfect weapons for any bad player or good one, to put it simply sniping in destiny takes no skill. Point one: Snipers are extremely easy to handle. Pick up any sniper in this game and you can pull it out like any CQC weapons which is a huge problem somebody should not be able to whip out their sniper body shot then finish off with the primary it should take a few seconds to put away such long and big weapons not snap on our backs in a millisecond. Point two: Snipers shouldn't be two shots in destiny. Sniper are extremely powerful weapons which makes sense heavy damage in exchange for no CQC ability with it. However this isn't the case any sniper in this game LITERALLY any sniper can two shot a guardian and that isn't skill any scrub and me included can do this and it turns our favorite game types into who is the better sniper/dodger and the only part of the sniper meta that takes skill are dodging the bullets they come from the gun that practically guides them and the guardians who close that gap. (Trials of Osiris) Point three: Sniper in destiny have such high aim assist the game aims for the person plus no recoil for being shot or wobble. Now pretty much any sniper in any other game will penalize you in dorm way when you get shot in exchange for the pose I your hand destiny simply ignores it all and says "Oh I got shot? Well I can still pump two bullets into you or shoot you once in the body and finish you off with my Primary lol" that shouldn't be the case. Instead how about snipers have a wobble and you zoom out once shot. Similar to other fast pace game like Halo or CoD. Keep in mind these are PVP only changes! Not PVE ones! Edit 1: (remove due to valid points) Edit 2: Keep it up guys I want to have this discussion. Edit 3: agree or disagree I'm happy for how civil everyone has been thank you. Also I would appreciate it if everyone continue to bump this I want to have larger discussion about this getting more of the community involved.[/quote] Needs to be like team fortress. No ADS, No shot. Period.
Code of Conduct - old
I disagree with most of your points have you even ever sniped in destiny? But I do agree they need to be balanced if you nerf snipers I think everyone will still use them because the primary thing is to increase flinch but if you increase flinch EVERYONE will sit in a head glitch you think people camo now oh just you wait I just think that primaries shotguns and fusions need to be buffed and snipers un nerfed but if people don't want that I think that reducing the bodyshots damage for pvp only would be a good start a black spindle body shot would do 150 1ks would do 120 etc. But that's just a thought so it would take a bit more to take down someone even I feel cheesy hitting someone with a bodyshot then a TLW shot or worse mida or doctrine But I hope some people are like me and my buddy we play really aggressive with our snipers and sgs and when the other team (we mostly play doubles or 3v3) doesn't play aggressive at all when we don't see them for longer than 5 minutes we leave of course we make people rage quit a lot but that's how we roll -
Why is aim assist even a weapon statistic?
Actually I just plyaed trials last night for the first time since around November, and HOLY SHIT. I don't think I saw a single primary. Snipers on top of snipers on top of snipers. They only learn when you get a sniper out and double them for stacking on top of each other. But I really was not looking to play the peaky campy game. I eould slink the whole way around the map and special starve since people clung to that mid room like an altar. But in all sincerity I can count how many times I saw a primary on one hand. And that was my one friend's first time playing trials, I felt so bad. Back in November you saw Red Death, Smite of Merain, TLW, you name it. I really had no clue it had gotten this bad. My apologies.
Most of your points were not quite correct I'm not going to go over it all though. The main problem with snipers is not the gun. It's the maps. In 6v6 there is never a problem crossing the map and getting kills. Snipers are only a problem in 3v3. And really, only on maps that have major choke points and not much else.. On most maps a good strategy can counter a sniper. But in some situations/maps you have to out snipe them or you're probably not going to make the lighthouse.
It depends on the map for me. If there are snipers in a position so they have a full view of B without being seen then it becomes a problem. Otherwise I'm fine with it.
I'm constantly saying this and the community gets so butthurt about it. If you call Sniper nerf your crucified. Snipers are way too easy to use and makes people feel like Gods because of it which is why people get so salty when called for a nerf.