Bramd - old
*Mortar looks at you a moment, noticing that the headache is beginning to get to you. He hands you something small, it seems to be a strip of Trident gum. He signs to you* Chew, it helps. -
Screw it, why the hell not? I popped it in my mouth soundlessly. Minty.
Bramd - old
*Mortar nods as he silently looks around a corner, his knife emitting a cold mist* -
Ignore the chanting, focus on the flavor and the weird ass knife and whyisheactinglikehe'sabouttokillsomeone-
Bramd - old
*He turns to you and whispers loud enough to just hear each word clearly* On my word, we go. If we are seen, avoid eye contact and leave the killing to me. -
I nodded to him, preparing to make a break for it if need be.
Bramd - old
*Mortar slowly turns the corner, ready for anything, especially the damn cultists who were annoying him to the point where he would have just walked up and kill one himself* -
I waited for any kind of signal from Mortar. He obviously knew far more about this than I did.
Bramd - old
*He holds up his arm. Basically meaning stop. He turns back to you and whispers again* Stay here, I'll be right back, trying to find an alternate exit, because the only one I see is with those cultists there. *Around the corner are three cultists doing their STUPID CHANT. A strange sound can be heard, and as you turn back, Mortar is gone, nowhere in sight.* -
At this point, I realized the point of the gum was to calm my nerves and give me something to focus on. Convenient, in that without Mortar, I was feeling very, very exposed. Thus, as quietly as I could, I began chewing like a maniac.
Edited by BrandRobKus: 6/24/2016 1:32:48 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*True, it was to calm your nerves and give you something to think of, but it was hard to think of anything else when you heard a pair of heavy footsteps farther down the hall as well as a strange breathing like sound. As they get closer, two voices can be heard* *One seemed to be a deeper, more grave voice* [i]Come on, he disappeared again? We just had him.[/i] *Another seemed higher and seemed like it didn't come from something human* [b]He does this all the time, and what's with this damn chanting? It's hurting my ears![/b] [i]I don't know, but something tells me we shouldn't find out.[/i] [b]I dunno, Maybe this guy knows. HEY YOU![/b] -
... Seriously, FÜCK my life. Hesitantly, I came out from hiding. Just from the sounds of those footsteps, I could tell these guys could rip me apart. "Y-yes?" I said, silently cursing myself for stuttering. Again, though, I think my terror was entirely justified. Remembering the knife in my had, I quickly threw it to the side. It wasn't gonna do me much good anyway, and it looked like the only way out of this was to be as non-threatening as possible.
Bramd - old
*the figures you see don't exactly look human. One of which is a little over six feet tall and has a hood covering his face, no flesh seems exposed. He has a wicked crossbow on his back. As for the other figure, he does not exactly look hostile, but that's probably because he is a cat. An orange cat with orange eagle wings, and he is standing on the first figure, his hind paws on his shoulder, the front paws on his head* [b]Yeah, you there![/b] *That voice came from the cat* [b]You wouldn't happen to know where a thin guy with crimson eyes went, do you? He was right here before he disappeared.[/b] [i]Come on, Mion, he's not gonna know that guy. If anything...[/i] *The first figure notices the knife* [i]He gave that to you, didn't he?[/i] -
"You have a... fück it, nevermind. Are you two talking about Mortar? Crazy bastard, uses a weird green-flaming sword?"
Bramd - old
[i]Yeah, that's the one.[/i] [b]Well of course he'd be crazy to lots of people, he's had ME as a companion. Seriously, how many people have had a flying AND talking cat? Oh, sorry, where are my manners? Name's Mion, probably one of the strangest things a normal person would see in their life.[/b] [i]And I'm Crossbow, and i have this hood on for a reason.[/i] *Crossbow shoos Mion off his head and takes his hood off to reveal a bleached white skull* [b]Yeah, I've known him for a while now, it's still weird.[/b] [i]So did you see where Mortar went? Did he say anything?[/i] -
I rubbed the bridge of my nose in exasperation. Of [i]course[/i] this guy only had a skull. Because why not. "Currently, he's trying to find a way for us to sneak past those cultists you're hearing right now. Preferably without the need for me to try my luck in hand-to-hand."
Bramd - old
[i]Ah, that makes sense. Frankly I wouldn't try my luck, because, while they aren't very durable, their magic is strong [/i] [b]And I'm a damn... I don't know what i am exactly, I'm just gonna say Cat with wings... I hate being called a cat...[/b] -
"So what now? We sit around the campfire telling ghost stories till he gets back?"
Bramd - old
[b]I dunno, what do YOU plan to do? Frankly, we just have to make sure none of us get killed, especially Crossbow. If he's dead, we're all dead.[/b] [i]Yeah, that's true. I'm the only one who can hold my own here[/i] -
I sat back against the wall as I said, "then it's probably best if we stay put and stay quiet until Mortar comes back." I paused. "If he comes back at all, that is."
Bramd - old
[i] He'll come back, he has ways of doing so.[/i] *Almost as if on cue, a strange Whooshing sound can be heard behind you, and Mortar walks up behind you* Oh, hey guys, I didn't know you were here. When did you get here? [i]I'm not sure exactly...[/i] [b]I found him passed out on the ground [/b] Strange... Well, unfortunately, that is the only exit. I'd summon Nekoluga, but he's too big to fit here and will just be a waste of space. Looks like we're gonna have to bite the bullet and take on these guys. [b]Yeah, you do that, and I'm gonna go back where i came from.[/b] No, Mion, you gotta stay. [b]fineeeeee...[/b] -
"And while you guys are having fun, hacking those guys to pieces, I'll just stay here, where I [i]won't[/i] get stabbed, shot, or mauled by some nightmare beast."
Bramd - old
Oh come onnn... this is the experience of a lifetime. You're gonna look back on this and say "this is the best goddamn thing I've done, and you know what? I was happy to do it." Plus, if you're gonna be here, you gotta learn how to kill on your own. -
"Well, gimme something that I can actually use - say, an actual gun - and maybe I won't have to hide in a freaking corner," I grumbled. Really, the hell did they expect me to do with a [i]knife[/i]?
Bramd - old
You can do a lot with a knife. But if you must... *Mortar pulls out what appears to be a .44 Magnum. It is grey and crimson, and the barrel emits a green haze.* I expect this weapon returns to me when I am done.