I thought the guy was trolling in this video at first, but he seriously believes titans are overpowered.
How? They're focused on ability use & favor shotty play. Most can't use shoulder charge or juggernaut properly, not many can skate properly.
Is this guy just playing against god tier titans or is it just bias?
If you they are in some way please explain.
Only idiots believe titans are op Stats prove hunters and warlocks still have better average KDs and kills per super
Not OP just survived the nerfs
They're not OP at least in my opinion. It's more the case of everything else has been nerfed. It's the same deal with the MIDA .
They're not people are just whiny because their subclasses got nerfed
When everything else got air bags installed.
Hahaha you're crushing them - old
Dude come on the stupid lightning grenades are retarded fist of havoc buffs not needed plus the mobility is too high and I mean c'mon the only super that's hardest to kill while in the middle of it and if you using shoulder charge it's dumb the only way they can really counter that is with a shotgun -
Edited by ChuckTownRC51: 6/22/2016 11:18:08 PMRelentless shotgunner with No Backup Plans are crazy OP. Not hating on them, but damn, people sleep on that setup.
"Not entirely terrible" means OP to these little booger-eating brats. 2 things kids are really good at: crying and whining. You can almost see their dirty little fingerprints and smell the tear-free shampoo on their posts.
Edited by Display Name: 6/22/2016 8:57:39 PMDisliked
Edited by queenmeeny77: 6/22/2016 8:12:57 PMWe became OP when we weren't mentioned enough on the most recent nerf list (even though it was a consensus that Titan Pvp is weak, since hunters and warlocks top every chart). Now that a hunter can't unicorn me during a charge, and a warlock can't debuff my armor and then get me cross map around the corner with a firebolt, we are ruthless terrorists. When was the last time you heard "man we just got rolled by that three-striker team!"?? It's always been sunsingers or bladedancers or gunslingers. Adaptation is hard, especially for younger people and older people. I've been focused on learning a new style with my hunter and lock and haven't even played my titan main much since the patch. If that were more prevalent, there wouldn't be 37 posts an hour about how someone didn't see a SC coming. Hell I never saw your firebolts, and I could never shadestep or blink out of a tripmine or a fusion grenade. I can't go invisible, I can't sneak up on you because I'm wearing the equivalent of a car, you can easily shoot me during my hella long super animation, all I've got is speed and lightning nades that take 2-3 pulses to kill, and therefore only take out the scrubbiest of players who don't move when their screen goes red.
There not anybody who say they are -blam!-ing cocksuckers
Wait. Since when was anything actually OP in this game?
We always been op. You are just noticing it -words from a beta Titan
Because it's a vicious cycle of complaining that Bungie pays attention to, unfortunately.
Even Defenders need a nerf? Hahahahaha what?
I was destroying with the Striker Titan all of year one and nobody seemed to think it was op then.
Because pretty much everything that was stronger has been nerfed. One thing gets nerfed and something else rises to the top. Easy as that.
If they can compete with other subclasses they are overpowered. Some people are just scared of a little competition.