[b][i]The Darkest Shadow
The slums, General Quarters[/i][/b]
[i] An orphan feels an itch within his mind as he walks the dimly lit streets of the slums, deep within the general quarters. His parents were murdered two nights ago, right before his eyes. The little boy remembers the wet, resounding impacts of the blade being forced into his fathers eye socket over and over and over, and the gurgling noise escaping his mothers mouth as her throat was slit. He couldn't stop thinking about it, and he hadn't slept for a single moment since then. His body was on the brink of collapse.
The orphan passes an alley way, when he notices something in the shadows. A man wearing his father's clothes stands in the darkness, back turned to the child. The child's heart skips a beat at the recognition of his presumably dead father standing a few meters before him.
"Papa??" The child calls out to his father.
No reaction.
[b]The child slowly moves closer, pulse racing. [/b]
[b]The child is a single step away.[/b]
"....papa?" The child whispers.
[b]The thing before the orphan slowly turns around, revealing gaping, bloody holes where the eyes used to be.[/b]
The child screams and tries to escape. He makes it out of the alley and into a crowded area, but thing wearing his fathers skin follows, feeding on the orphan's fear.
[b]Suddenly, the boy's body is no longer his to control. Helpless, the boy watches his own hands as they snatch a side arm from the man next to him, take aim, and blow the head off 4 innocent bystanders before turning the gun on himself. The boy shoots himself in the knees over and over until the ammunition in his weapon is depleted. The child screams as the blood squirts out like a fountain.
The beast wearing his fathers skin approaches, smiling with a mouth full of too many teeth.
The child screams as the beast's mouth clamps down on his face, violently tearing the flesh off in strips of bloody meat and skin.
A gang of bystanders lay into the thing wearing his fathers skin, beating it's head and back with improvised Melee weapons, trying anything so save the child from this monster.
With a violent roar, the beast tears the men limb from limb right before the child, ending them quickly and without mercy.
The child tries to crawl away, hands slipping in his own blood before the beast tears into his face once more. The orphan is tossed about like a rag doll as his tormentor continues to feast on the pain and the fear, keeping its victim alive and conscious.
A bolt round strikes the man thing, barely impacting it as if it weighed several tons and was immovable. The space marines that fired the shot begin sawing each other limbs off, one by one, with chain swords. They take turns until nothing is left but one arm and one head on each of the bodies. The remnants of the space marines decapitate each other simultaneously, spraying the scene with arterial blood.
Finally the beast reveals its true self, 17ft tall and made of pure hard shadow.
The child screams as Armageddon unhinges his jaws like a massive snake, and eats the boy alive - screams echoing within it's mouth as the boy's body is torn and crushed to bits.
Armageddon turns his attention to the crowd, killing everything it sees and feeding on the fear.[/b][/i]
[spoiler]Open. Keep in mind, Armageddon is the master of shadows. Keep him in the light and remember he can control minds... The strongest champions resist his touch, but your allies could turn against you.[/spoiler]
[b][i]Flaming, mutilated bodies are thrown in all directions, but you feel a presence behind you. The flesh priest burns runes of affliction into your flesh that begin to glow and suck the life force from your body. You feel sluggish as blood begins rushing out from your nose, ears, and eyes. The flesh priest puts a chaos binding on you, reducing your speed. More undead and cultists come your way, prepared to devour your flesh.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar was beginning to panic, his abilities were slowed, almost negated. But he was part demon as well, he thought these didn't affect him. Apparently they did. Mortar was beginning to get pissed. He didn't want to do this too early, but he had to do what he had to do to survive. And with that, he pulled out something no one would have expected: a taser. Why the taser? The answer was unknown to Armageddon, but Mortar instantly knew what to do with it. This would almost ensure that he at least barely survived.* I must inform you that I am not one to be -blam!-ed with, my dear enemy. You are facing a being who has won countless wars, destroyed more Universes than Rick and Morty, and still has time to make 1970s-2020s pop-culture references. You are but an apparition, and you shall be defeated. Maybe not for the last time, but now I'm realizing that I've talked too long. *And with that, he aimed it at his chest, and fired. What happened next, well, let's just say you didn't expect it. He was passed out on the ground, his acidic blood mixing with his drool on the ground, eating away at shrapnel on the ground.* -
[b][i]The flesh priest collapses to the ground, twitching and smoking from the electrical burns. The way up ahead is clear. The woman lays on the ground, ribs exposes and face peeled back like an open banana peal. "Please.... Kill me...." She begs, laying in a pool of quickly cooling blood.[/i][/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Mortar used it on himself, but I'll go with this.[/spoiler] *Mortar looks at the woman* I apologize, for I had not wanted to cause all this. I will end your misery. *And with that, he took an icy blue knife off his back and stabbed it into the woman's neck, ice literally filling her veins* Rest in peace -
[spoiler]oh whoops lol[/spoiler] [b][i]The presence clouding your mind vanishes. As your regular vision returns, you see that you've just stabbed a small child who was hiding from the cultists. Blood drools from her stab wound and the life fades from her eyes. Armageddon laughs maniacally as he steps out from the shadows, allowing the light to touch his body of pure hard shadow. He stands 17ft tall, a mountain range of spikes across his back and upper body. His thick, imposing body occupies much space. "Her fear was delicious.... But your mind was the real treat...." Says Armageddon as he shape shifts to the form of your biological mother. Blood begins running down her face and she looks to the sky suddenly, bursting every light within hundreds of feet. The darkness swallows you whole. "You've entered my domain, mortal..." [/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar definitely seems more annoyed than scared* Mortal? Oh, shit, now I'm pissed. *Mortar's eyes glow like flashlights as he looks around* -
Bramd - old
*Mortar definitely seems more annoyed than scared* Mortal? Oh, shit, now I'm pissed. *Mortar's eyes glow like flashlights as he looks around* -
[b][i]The light fails to penetrate the shadows... Ans your hands begin to shake. Blood begins pouring out of your nose and eyes as Armageddon probes your mind. Your head feels like it's on fire from the inside as bright flashes of unlight strobe inside your head. The pain is unbearable. You feel Armageddon ransacking your memories from the inside. "First I'm going to consume your flesh..." Whispers Armageddon from inside your head - a vision of yourself flashes before your mind's eye, your flesh peeling off your bones like a peeled fruit. "...then immolate your soul..." Continues Armageddon's inhuman voice as flames and chaos of the warp threatens to drive you insane. You're no longer inside your body. You're looking down at yourself from above - you're carving the flesh from your face with a piece of broken glass. A dark form stands behind your body, gently guiding your shaking hands. "....there is no escape, mortal..." [/i][/b]
Bramd - old
*Mortar falls to his knees, the pain becoming unbearable. This was unusual for him, because he was usually extremely tolerant to pain, and now he was on his knees, seemingly crying like a young child falling off his scooter* Damn, that hurts. Man I hope this will work. *Mortar puts a pair of headphones on, cranks up the volume to max, and puts this song on* This has worked before, it will work again. -
[spoiler]omg I never expected that LOL[/spoiler] [i][b]Armageddon shrieks in horror, exploding into the shadows and disappearing with a howling roar that screams away into the shadows.[/b][/i]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]No one does.[/spoiler] *Mortar, still in pain, gets back up, he has gotten used to that type of music, so he was able to still think about what to do with this darkness around him* I said today I wasn't gonna exert myself, but, I am close to death, so, I guess I have to do this. *Mortar takes a black knife off his back and stabs it in his chest, killing him. After a moment, the corpse begins to cough. Coughing, again and again, until it seems to "vomit" out a strange material. Flesh. Mortar's flesh. It continues this until the corpse is empty. Then the flesh blob stands up, you can see the organs, muscles, and other stuff inside realigning. After a moment, skin begins crawling out of the small of it's back, Mortar's skin. The skin wraps around the limbs and head and other stuff until you can clearly see it's Mortar. But he is different. His eyes are glowing white. He holds his arms up and summons a ball. Not of iron, but of light, bright enough to rival the strongest of stars* LOOK AT THE SUN BEING! LOOK AT IT! -
"Are you kidding me..." [i]After gathering some new equipment, Xavier cautiously approaches the area.[/i]
[b][i]The sight before you invokes a moment of involuntary, primal panic... Shredded corpses and mutilated flesh is draped over every street light, allowing only the dimmest, darkest red corpse light to diffuse through, and throwing unnatural shadows that whisper to you, promising you the most terrifying death imaginable. Buzzing flies and masses of writhing maggots feed on the remnants of unrecognizable human flesh, littering the street as far as your eyes can see in this darkness. Sigils of glowing chaos runes are inscribed on the few walls left standing, turning your stomach as you involuntarily eyeball their Unhøly geometry. Two Leman Russ battle tanks are burning several meters away in a street, illuminating dozens of corpses strung up to busted light posts by their entrails... Some still twitching as parasitic worms feast on their eyeballs. A piercing scream comes from right around the corner. [/i][/b]
Edited by Tamedfrog: 6/25/2016 12:57:03 AM[i]Xavier peeks around the corner, weapon safety off. He also makes sure that the thing does not see him using his shadow power, even though the beast may be a master of shadows.[/i]
Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 6/25/2016 2:30:04 AM[b][i]Dagger wielding cultists and a single flesh priest gathers around a writhing woman, they are cutting the flesh from her bones while she yet lives. You can hear the wet tearing flesh and the muffled, tongueless screaming... It sends chills down your spine. This is the Cult of Armageddon. The flesh priest's eyeless and skinless face snaps in your direction. Fire burns in it's empty sockets as it begins chanting. Rotten hands burst from the ground beneath your feet, firmly holding you in place as a mob of dagger wielding cultists run towards you, wearing the stolen skin of the fallen as clothes with chunks of wet meat gushing coagulated blood as they move. The flesh priest teleports to the top of a roof, brandishing a large staff with a severed, rotten head bonded to the top, oozing Unhøly light and resonating power of necromancy. From the ground all around, the undead rise to their feet. The flayed corpses sluggishly make their way towards you, cutting off escape from the rear. [/i][/b]
"You have got to be kidding me!" [i]He attempts to shoot off the things that were holding him in place with his pistol, while shooting the hostiles around him with his rifle in the other hand.[/i]
[b][i]The horde of undead reach you first. You're seized from behind and dragged backwards, unable to aim your weapon. You are bitten on both your arms and wrists as the things struggle to overpower your brute strength. Their numbers grow and you begin to lose your footing. Blood drools down your arms and pools on the floor, making it extra slippery. One foot gives out, putting you down to one knee as they close in on all sides and begin biting you all over your body. The cultists watch, eager to see the undead tear you to pieces. [spoiler]they don't have an infection or anything, they just want to eat you. You'll probably need some sort of AoE attack. [/spoiler] [/i][/b]
[spoiler]Okay... Just plz no kill.[/spoiler] "Fück... You..." [i]Xavier's glasses crack all the way. A Psionic energy starts to dramatically build up in his mind. It then releases, pushing everything back and either destroys the brains of the attackers from the inside in a close proximity or making them incapacitated.[/i]
[b][i]Dozen of undead are blasted backward sent tumbling end over end through the air, splattering against the walls like rotten eggs hitting the side of a house, foul smelling ichor and coagulated blood runs down. The cultists lunge for you, 8 in total - 3 in front 5 behind.[/i][/b]
[i]Xavier does the Crow's foot technique, except there are five in the back this time. He pulls out his pistol and slows down time, which he uses to load in a new mag.[/i] [i]Basically, he shoots the three in the front in quick succession, then he turns around and puts the other five down in a matter of milliseconds.[/i]
[b][i]The flesh priest roars in outrage as a beam of Unhøly energy lances into your chest, melting your armor and sending you tumbling across the street like a rag doll before crashing through a ferrocrete wall. The priest waits a moment before his short term teleport is available again, but instead of using it, he vanishes into the shadows. The flesh priests wraith walks through the wall and peers down at you. "Your time has come, fleshling...."[/i][/b]
"No... Yours." [i]Xavier smirked as he says that. His frame of the glasses looks like they're about to break.[/i] "gniht ruoy od, acceber..." [i]Xavier secretly prepares a Psionic ability.[/i]
[b][i]The flesh priest stabs a sacrificial dagger deep into your open mouth as you speak, barely missing the spine, but anchoring your head to the ground - you gag on the blood in the back of your throat. Laughing like a maniac, the flesh priest takes out a flaying knife and begins cutting strips of flesh from your face. "SCREAM MORTAL!!!" Roars the priest into your bloody face. [/i][/b]
("Time to tear out your very soul, bitch.") [i]Xavier uses [u]Soul Steal[/u], grabbing the priest's face and screams in rage, if he could. His hand starts to glow brightly purple as he starts the process.[/i]
[b][i]The flesh priest's soul resists at first, but is eventually sucked from his body. The body turns into a rotten black husk as it spontaneously bursts into flames and crumbles away to ash. You see the memories of the flesh priest, of his induction to the Cult of Armageddon, and the location of the Lexicon of Sin... A copy anyway. The shadows in the area seem to become darker. [/i][/b]