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6/20/2016 7:46:50 AM

Why do YOU do this, how did we do this to ourselves?

Nerfs should be limited to game exploits


Bungie's nerf war is justified


Are elemental primaries coming back?


Why nerf exotics and abilities that made this game fun and inspired other players to go out and grind for said gear or abilities? Remember when the Vex was nerfed? At launch it was one of the hardest weapons to attain and it was nerfed shortly afterward, or gjallarhorn, pocket infinity, icebreaker, thorn, chaperone, and more. Yes people agreed with these patches while others were against. Yet out of the whole community what is the deciding factor for these nerfs? Why even do it if makes the community mad? Its like bungie is balancing the game by taking away certain variables? Why not do the opposite why not add buffs to the other side? Or do nothing? I WILL complain about this though, fix the f**king nightfall. I play for 1-2 hours on ONE strike to get 10 strange coins... For the community: Who are you to complain? To ruin what we have, after we've done so much to get it.

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