[i]"My business."[/i]
[b]She wasn't going to crack, not in the slightest... And she was surprised he was still pursuing. She saw the way he spazzed when she told him her plan to leave Lucien...[/b]
"On this ship, nothing stays just 'Your business' for long. It's pointless to try to hide anything on this ship. Hell, it's a miracle I've kept my identity and appearance a mystery this long. You might as well just tell me right now."
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 6/20/2016 3:18:26 AM[i]"You show me your face, I'll show you my secret."[/i] [b]She says with an arrogant smirk.[/b]
"Deal. Was bound to happen at some point, anyways." [b]He slowly reaches up to the side of his helmet, and presses on it. It begins to unfold, and first reveals spiky, jet black hair. It continues to unfold, and Blink's skin color is revealed to be the same jet black. As it continues, it reveals solid white eyes. The rest of the face is extremely peculiar, being a smooth surface, with a slit for the mouth.[/b] "Your turn." [b]His voice has lost the raspy, robotic qualities, and that is replaced by a smooth, soft voice.[/b]
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 6/20/2016 3:44:08 AM[b]With a scowl, she relents. A deal was a deal... In a motion, thread like swirls of white a blue envelope her. Moments later, two ears poke up from her head and nine long white tails form from her tailbone. Her eyes narrow to slits and six claw like tattoos snake across her cheeks.[/b] [i]"Tah-Dah... Happy now?"[/i]
"Holy hell. That's impressive. But, what are you, exactly,"
[spoiler]Fixed link[/spoiler] [b]She sighs, still annoyed.[/b] [i]"Nine-tail fox daemon... But only half. The other half is regular daemon... It's why I don't turn into an entire animal."[/i]
"That is absolutely fascinating. Oh, before you leave..." [b]He appears closer to her.[/b] "Do not tell anyone what I look like. If you feel like keeping your head, that is." [b]He then reappears in his previous spot.[/b]
[i]"Oh, don't worry. I've already forgotten you."[/i] [b]She says, her shape returning to normal.[/b]
[b]His helmet folds back up.[/b] "Good. Now, since you are so inclined, leave. I must go tell your friend back there."
[b]Without another word, she hops to the next building, and then the next. Seems she wasn't about to say a farewell.[/b]
[b]He runs back to his hideout, looking for Lucien.[/b]
[b]Lucien is where he last was... Still passed out and breathing like a sleeping bear. The big man didn't seem very bothered by anything...[/b]
[b]Blink waits patiently, until Lucien wakes up.[/b]
[b]A good hour or so passes before Lucien shoots up in one quick motion.[/b] [i]"Totally not dead!"[/i] [b]He says triumphantly.[/b]
"Malform, while that is good, something else happened while you were asleep. Lea ran off. Don't bother looking for her. She's long gone."
[i]"Eh. Not surprised. Damn, though, usually she takes a week... Maybe I'm loosing my touch. Dr. Lordan wouldn't have this trouble. He was always good with people..."[/i] [b]He says, shaking his head with a chuckle and adjusting his long dirty scarf.[/b] [i]"I mean my brother of course... He's a cool guy. Sorta kinda crazy and sorta kinda prodigy... But, his heart is in a good place."[/i]
"Sounds like a person I'd like to meet." [b]He drops his voice slightly.[/b] "Now, what were you saying about her leaving? She usually takes longer?"
[i]"Yeah. She can hang for a week or so. I usually find her again... But she used to linger a lot more. Oh well..."[/i] [b]With a sigh he pads outside to watch the strange buildings and streets.[/b] [i]"I wonder if this place has a park."[/i]
"Probably a ruined one somewhere." [b]Blink disappears, then comes back with some crackers.[/b] "Want anything to eat?"
[i]"I appreciate the offer... But I don't have a mouth."[/i] [b]He says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.[/b] [i]"This is kinda sorta grafted to my face."[/i]
"Damn. I have nothing to do with my sixteen crates of crackers. I don't eat, and no one else will eat them."
[i]"Why did you find sixteen crates of crackers?"[/i] [b]Malform asks, more than slightly amused.[/b]
"The Imperium really don't like crackers."
[i]"I guess I can't blame them. Dry cubes of carbohydrates kinda suck."[/i]
"You might think, but these are [i]artisan[/i] crackers."