"Hmm...I just hope I find the right person, though that may take a while." She said. Chloanne can't be complaining when she wasn't a fücking 4000 year old virgin.
Hue. "Well then, let's go see if we can find said right one, shall we?"
"Okay!" She said, Enthusiastically.
They approach what seems to be a bar. "Alright then, place number one." It's time for us to have a romcom montage of Chloanne meeting dudes.
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 6/19/2016 5:55:01 PMit's going to be hell for the both of them. cue montage. "So here..?"
The first guy they met simply wasn't Chloanne's type. Let's leave it at that. Second guy, too short. Third guy, too skinny. There was an eldar at some point, but he acted too snotty. Then, there was a space marine who would have probably wanted to bone his battle-brothers before boning any other thing. There was an imperial Guardsman, but he was scared of her, due to her wearing a commissariat jacket. Some weird chaos cultist, what even. There was another dude too, he was wearing a green tunic. But all he did was yell erratically and throw pots around. Weird. At some point, a Dreadnought was involved. Burned out from that experience, the two ladies exit the bar, exasperated. "Don't worry... this is just the first bar. I have three on my list, and that's two left. Let's go!" The evening was still young. A chaplain, A Tau, A Kroot (jesus christ...) At one point, some guy seemed pretty nice. Until Chloanne noticed his wedding ring. They met tons of different people, all with their one little problem. Another one was too smart. At some point, I even think a Tyranid showed up or something. They left the second bar early in the evening, with only one bar remaining. The last bar, thankfully, was something quite odd. There was people, yes, and there was also a fighting ring in the center. Naturally, the men fighting were of good spirits. For some time, people passed around the title of champion, until a space marine entered the ring, and would remain undefeated for the night almost entirely. Sadly for Chloanne, none of these men seemed interesting. She got sadder and sadder by the end of the night. Very few people were left, as most had abandoned the fighting circuit, due to a fuсking space marine beating everyone simply by being a space marine. Macha and Chloanne sat at the bar, Macha had her hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her friend. "Hey, it's alright... maybe there'll be more people tomorrow!"
[spoiler]what the fück a kroot and a Tyranid?[/spoiler] She sighed, clearly this wasn't going to be short and sweet as she wanted it to be. "I don't think there's anyone here that's my type.."
And let's not forget the space marine that had spent the entire night making advances at Chloanne, despite her refusal. Guess he thought he had big balls. At which point, a new person entered the bar. Macha's ears perked up. New arrival meant new possibilities. The man who had entered seemed, at first glance, to be a space marine. The sheer bulk of his muscle mass was enough to assume so. But upon clear inspection of his racial features, it was obvious he wasn't. He stood at about nine and a half feet in height, almost reaching ten. His body was pure muscle mass. Bulging, seam-breaking musculature covered his body, forming a perfect and chiseled body. Quite handsome. His skin, however, was actually scales. These ash grey scales were smooth and leatherlike in texture. His mouth was in a long muzzle, and horns were sitting on top of his head. He had icy blue eyes, with a scar over the left one. He had a long tail following behind him. Macha smirked and poked Chloanne's gut, motionning towards the new arrival. He approached the bar, the bartender giving him a gentle smile. [i]"Roderick, my boy! Come, have a drink!"[/i] "Thanks, Ed. Been a long day today, could really use the winding down..." His voice was smooth as silk, sweet like honey. Macha whispered to Chloanne. "Well? What do you think?"
Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 6/19/2016 6:27:38 PM"Ooh. Sounds handsome, looks nice too. Perhaps I should go for it?" Prepare for a epic beta fail from Chloanne. She eyed the reptilian man up and down, Chloanne liked him. But it's personality that draws the play, not looks.
"Yeah! Go for it, you've got nothing to lose!" Meanwhile, in the back, loneliest Space Marine in the world kept trying. But to no avail. Roderick sat at the bar, the stool was a little small for him, but he didn't complain. When the bartender brought him a glass, it was a glass of... water? I guess he isn't much of an alcoholic...
The Kroot comforted the spess mehrine. [i]Atleast he isn't a alcoholic..[/i] she thought as she walked to him. Chloanne gathered her confidence and spoke to Rodedrick. "Hi..How are you?" She said, though a bit quiet. Clearly she was bad at this.
"Hm?" He turns towards her, looking at her with his beautiful blue eyes. He drew a smile. "Oh, I'm doing good. You?"
Meanwhile the Kroot and Space Marine disappeared ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Chloanne spoke. "I'm..okay." She said shyly. Turns out under that confident body is a shy person.
[spoiler]Demit I wanted him to fight the marine to impress her super hard.[/spoiler] "That's good. So, what brings you to a bar like this one? Not that I don't think you're a good fighter but... well, you know."
Sadly the kroot was actually a nid and the marine killed it and now the space marine is even more sad. "Perhaps I just watch." She said, slightly smiling. [i]Real Fücking smooth Chloanne...[/i]
[i]"Hey! Toad face!"[/i] Roderick sighs. [i]"You, me, winner gets the lady. Whaddayasay?"[/i] Roderick rolled his eyes, looking at Chloanne with a look saying [i]may I go kick his ass?[/i] [i]"C'mon, pussy, come get your ass kicked. You know she wants me. She's just trying to play hard to get. Well that nice ass is going to be mine..."[/i]
"Sure. He has been bugging me since I turned him down." She said, not knowing who would win even though it was obvious that the Marine were to lose. But ssshhhhh no one knows that.
"Alright then. Time to leave the lady alone." Roderick stood up, taking off his shirt as he entered the ring, not wanting for it to get dirty, exposing his mouth-watering musculature. He entered the makeshift ring, the Space marine craked his knuckles with a confident smirk. This guy had just been promoted from scout marine to full-fledged marine, meaning he had just recieved his full enhancements. He drank a bit too much, and we both know what happens to drunk marines. The marine raised his fists, approaching Roderick, whose guard wasn't even up. With a smirk on his face, the space marine had hoped that he would get a sucker punch in. As he reeled his fist back and brought it forward towards Roderick's gut, the scaled hand caught it, causing it to come to a dead stop. The marine looked up in surprise at his opponents face, who was towering above him. Roderick simply twisted the man's arm, causing him to expose himself in pain, kicked his leg, bringing him to his knee, and whacked him across the head with his forearm, causing the marine to hit the floor with a jet of saliva flying from his mouth. After poking him with his foot a bit, Roderick considered the match over. But not for his opponent. Still on the ground, he grabbed his ankle, hoping to make him fall. But he yanked and yanked at it, not causing it to budge at all, like it was a steel beam. Seeing that his opponent was back for more, Roderick kicked his foot forward, yanking the marine off the floor and sending him tumbling towards the other end of the ring. Roderick then used the elastic cords on his side of the ring to reel himself back, then launched himself elbow first into the man like a bullet, which sent the marine flying out of the ring like a ragdoll, only to land back on the wooden floor. The marine, having lost some teeth, decided to stay on the ground, since he was both too weak and too ashamed to even get up. Roderick grabs his shirt and walks back to the bar, but doesn't put it on. "Sorry about that whole deal. Didn't mean to interrupt our conversation. Where were we?" He smiles.
"You certainly are charming, I thank you for putting him in his place. What's your name?" She said, slightly giggling. She was impressed for the most part, he defended her honor. Which is saying alot. That marine was obviously weh-jk.
"I'm Roderick. Last name's Tibernes. And you? I should get to know your name before buying you a drink, shouldn't I?"
"It's Chloanne. Chloanne Defaln." She said to Roderick. "Nice to meet you, Roderick." [i]I don't know what just happened...[/i] she thought to herself.
He smiles widely, her name like music to his ears. "Chloanne... what a beautiful name. Fitting for someone like you..." Without his shirt on, Chloanne could smell him, his scent. He smelled like a fresh spring, pine trees and minty leaves. It was an invigorating smell. "What would you like to drink?"
"Water would be good. I don't drink alcohol." She said politely. [i]This could work...wait is Macha still here?[/i] Chloanne thought.
Unbeknownst to Chloanne, Macha was gone, nowhere to be seen. "Ah, I see. Much like me, then." He smiles, ordering her a glass of water. "So, Chloanne, what do you do for a living?"
Machas going to have a surprise when she gets home. "I'm a Rogue Trader, don't mind this Comissarat coat it's nothing." She said. "So..how about you?"