Back outside Ling was talking with Chloanne.
"So..where are we?"
She asked kindly.
"It's a Daemon ship, The Bloodwrath."
Chloanne responded.
"I'm..not Surprised..."
She said and Ling was surprised by this.
"Really? That is a first even for you."
He said and stopped hugging.
"Well..this has happened before."
"Were you hurt?"
He said, wanting to know this.
"Not badly.."
She said, looking a bit to the side. Something was up.
"What do you mean..?"
"I..don't want to talk about this right now."
She said defensively.
"Alright, well you should follow me if you will."
They walked back to Lings Quarters and he knocked.
"Macha? Are you there? I have someone you'll want to meet."
He said.
"Wait who is Macha?"
He said, slightly blushing.
"I see... you looking for anyone to fill that role?"
"Possibly...though I don't know who.."
"Well, perhaps you'll find someone soon. Hell, when I first met ling, I never imagined I would find my heart in him... but I did. I was pleasantly surprised." She smiles at ling.
He smiled back. "The funny thing is was I didn't really like her until we talked for a second time..and then it just clicked." He looked at Macha. "Chloanne, you'll find your special someone someday.."
"What type of guy do you like?"
"Perhaps someone sweet and caring? Not like Ling though." Chloanne said, the last part jokingly. Ling ignored that comment and continued looking around the room like someone on LSD.
She chuckles. "Good men are hard to find. And a lot of times, we confuse bad ones for good ones. But rarely, sometimes, we find the right ones for us. Just have to give them a chance..."
"I wish so..." She said, a bit sadly. Ling walked into his bedroom probably to grab something.
Macha put her hand on Chloanne's shoulder. "Hey, cheer up now, love. You'll find someone soon. I'm sure of it." She smiles.
She nodded. "It's just that every time something good happens it's always with Ling...He may not realize it but he got very lucky with you.." Chloanne responded.
"Well, that's very nice of you say. Thank you." She smiles. "But even you'll get lucky one day, Chloanne... I'm certain of it."
"Yeah.." She said, quietly once more. Ling came back out of the room with a bottle of wine and a knife. He started digging the knife into the cork, trying to pop it out.
"Later if you want, I can go with you seeking around the quarters for candidates. Wouldn't that be fun?"
"Okay Macha, that sounds good." she responded. Ling magically got the cork out with a loud Pop. He poured the Red Wine into the now empty coffee mug.
"Can I have some?" She puts her cup near his cup.
"Sure." He said, pouring the red wine into her cup. "So you two are going out together later, correct? If so then I'm going to take a nap in a little bit."
"We are, yes." She nods a thanks to him, sipping the red wine.
He sipped his too. "Well I hope you do find someone, Chloanne. And huh..I guess I like wine." He said.
"It's not that bad, actually..."
"True...Say Chloanne would you like some?" Ling offered. "I'll pass, thank you for offering Ling." He sipped some more wine.
She did the same. "So, tell me, how do you think about non-humans. Are they a go? Or not?"
"Non..Humans?" She thought about it, I mean if Ling and Macha are a thing I guess she could find someone too... "I can try..."
"It opens up a great many new doors, you know."
"I guess it couldn't hurt to..experiment." She said, while Ling sipped his wine. He was going to be drunk out of his mind later.
She sipped her drink as well. "You never know what you can find. But I promise you won't be disappointed."