"But you wish I could! And I can... I think.. Plus, the medbay is kinda niche."
"Please....." [b]He sees the worry in her eyes at the thought of him rooming with her.[/b] "I'm sorry..."
[spoiler]Oh my God, this situation is perfect. She thinks he meant getting down and dirty while he actually meant just sleeping at her place, lmfao. [/spoiler] "What? I wouldn't hurt you! Why would I do that...? You're, like, almost equal with me because you're a... A... Adeptus... Female Space Marine."
[spoiler]Oh no she doesn't, you'll see soon...[/spoiler] "Just.... Come with me..." [b]Lupa attempts to drag him into a alleyway.[/b]
[spoiler]Then what does grooming mean. I'm confused. [/spoiler] He drunkenly follows without a second thought, kinda curious about what she was going on about.
[spoiler]????[/spoiler] [b]After they end up in a secluded alley, Lupa sighs.[/b] "Look, I can't let you into my room because I bunk with Agnes. And me and her may be in a relationship that is frowned upon in the Sisters of Battle."
[spoiler]Never mind I misread. [/spoiler] "You're a bunch of lesbos? That's... Das gay, man. Das hella gay. Yeah. But, like... Why do I give a shit, exactly? Because I don't.. Really."
"I swear to god if you- wait, you don't care?"
[spoiler][quote]I swear to god[/quote] [quote]to god[/quote] [quote]GOD[/quote] [b][u]HERESY![/u][/b][/spoiler] "Why the hell would I care? Bang whatever you wanna, as long as it ain't a damn Heretic, some Chaos fück, or a Xeno."
[spoiler]SHES A MUTANT = HERESY[/spoiler]
[spoiler]YOU [b][u]IMPREGNATED[/u][/b] A -blam!-ING XENO SO HOW ABOUT YOU STFU?! [/spoiler]
[spoiler]*sulks back into my corner mumbling*[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah you biscuit. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]ur children will be weird mutant shit. that is if your able to even conceive [/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm not trying to get into her pants, actually. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lupa is technically a Xeno![/spoiler]
[spoiler]EVEN [b]MORE[/b] HERESY[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Try purging me without Agnes rekting your shit![/spoiler]
[spoiler]now that I think about it I did do some heresy not to long ago.....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) you got off lightly.[/spoiler]
[b]Lupa lets out a sighof relief.[/b] "Oh thank the Emperor...."
"Your ears and tail are cute as fück by the way. Like a puppy."
"I'm part wolf! Not a puppy!" [b]Lupa whines.[/b]
"No, you're an adorable little puppy!" He very will moves a hand on top of her head, gently scratching at one of her Faunus ears.
[b]Lupa tries to back away, but her eyes go crossed right as he starts scratching.[/b]
"Who's a good girl? You are! Yes you!" His other hand moves to her tail, gently scratching at the base as he continues to scratch the ear.
"Yesssss....." [b]Lupa starts to softly whine and nuzzles his hand.[/b]