"I still remember the last words I said before being liberated.....
'I can't wait to see my children again, it'll be so fun to tear them apart..'...."
[b]He could tell that no matter what he said, it'll be awhile before she stopped blaming herself....[/b]
He sighs. Women, am I right? [i]"Look, you'll be fine. It'll take some time, but you'll be fine."[/i]
[b]Vaaxius nods.[/b] "I miss my home.... I miss my kids....."
[i]"We had kids? I don't remember ever having children..."[/i]
"I keep forgetting we're not from the same reality, sorry."
[i]"Oh, yes, you're right. I forgot too..."[/i]
"Ah well, I'll just have to give you some in this world."
[i]"Oh?"[/i] He smirks. [i]"You may..."[/i]
[b]Astrid lewdly grins.[/b] "I forgot how hot I could get around you, especially since I don't remember what any other emotion besides rage and sadness was like when I was a Necron."
[i]"Being soulmates will do that to you. Especially when you have a hunk of a man like me around..."[/i] He grins.
[b]Vaaxius softly giggles and hugs him.[/b]
He keeps walking to the general quarters. [i]"You have any other friends I should meet?"[/i]
"Nope, they're all in the general quarters." [spoiler]*Wants them to walk in on Lupa and Agnes having a intimate moment* *That would have to be PM*[/spoiler]
[spoiler]you're forgetting about Kor'El's daughters...[/spoiler] [i]"Alright then."[/i]
[spoiler]O.O What kinds of thing would we walk in on?[/spoiler] [b]Vaaxius softly yawns and curls up in his arms.[/b]
Edited by Shadlezz: 6/18/2016 10:05:52 PM[spoiler]No, I mean you forget about them being Vaaxius's friends. >:([/spoiler]
[spoiler]*Facedesks* My brain short circuited! I'm so sorry![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I'm sorry![/spoiler] "Oh yeah! I forgot about Kor'El's daughters!"
[spoiler]Hue[/spoiler] [i]"Oh? He's got daughters, too? Interesting..."[/i]
"Yup, and each one is different in both species and personality. Expect for Abby in terms of attitude, she's a mixture of her sisters' personalities. Oh, and the only born Necron I know of."
[i]"Born... Necron?"[/i] His eyes widen. [i]"Pretty sure she's the only born necron on history."[/i]
"Yup..." [b]Vaaxius sighs.[/b] "In truth, I don't know how to interact with them... I'm so disconnected from how others usually act that I either act like a dumbass or a lunatic...."
[i]"Just relax, babe. You just need to act cool with others, and you'll get to know them better."[/i]
"That's the thing, I have no idea what to talk about with them."
[i]"Anything, sweetheart. Literally anything. They're girls, too. They like gossip."[/i]