[b]Vaaxius melts into his arms, her eyes filled with joy. Even with what she was, she was still the same.[/b]
He put her back down on the ground. [i]"Glad to see you're still kicking, babe."[/i]
"And I'm glad you are too...."
[i]"You went through some changes, I see."[/i]
"Yeah, they weren't by choice though..."
[i]"I see... well, you still look like yourself. Which is good."[/i]
"I do?.... I don't feel the same..."
[i]"Well, no matter what you look like, you're still my baby."[/i] He smirks.
"Thank you, and you're still my hulking sweetheart..."
[i]"indeed I am."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"Love you, darling."[/i]
"I love you too...."
He put two hands on her. One on her back, the other on her butt, as they walked. [i]"So... do you have a camp nearby?"[/i]
"Yup, it's over there...." [b]Astrid points in the direction of the general quarters[/b]
He walks to it with her. [i]"So, have you made any friends?"[/i]
"Yup, a few too. There's is Kor'El.... Actually, you probably don't want to meet him...... There's this girl with wolf traits named Lupa.... I think I met a Daemoette queen who was pretty friendly, I can't remember though, too much booze.... That's it I think. Oh, and don't worry about this Daemoette, she's on our side." [spoiler]aka Vaaxius got smashed during the celebration and can't remember any of it.[/spoiler]
[i]"Kor'El? I remember that name... I must've seen him once or twice, on the battlefield."[/i]
"How did he look? Was this when he was green or red?"
[i]"Um... he was blue. He is a Tau, is he not?"[/i]
"Oh! That must have been before I came here! His race is debatable now. I just consider him a Necron."
[i]"Necron? He'll have to explain that to me..."[/i]
"Yeah, and it'll explain why I'm like this too...." [b]Vaaxius gulps as she starts to worry about her love kicking Kor'El's ass to the point that it looks like he's stuck in his current body.[/b]
[i]"How so?"[/i] He would only shreck the tin can if his soulmate asked him to do so.
"Well... It started right when I arrived in this reality..." [b]Vaaxius explains everything.[/b]
He listened. Her arrival, her then inevitable capture by the pariahs, her modifications, the war, Kor'El's liberation, the numerous years of searching, until now. [i]"I see..."[/i]
"Yeah... I'm not proud of what I did back then. Some days I curse Kor'El for this. But he was a victim as much as me..."
[i]"I suppose he was. At least, he liberates Necrons as much as he can, repaying for his sins."[/i]