The former Kell sniffed the air.
[i]"Hmm... Space Marine. And Black Templar, at that..."[/i]
What the templar could see, on his end, were four violet eyes, looking at him. Walking towards him.
The two lights seem to shine a little bit brighter, as if the man was getting a bit curious. Curious about this strange creature's weapons, and the strange creature itself. "Mhm... And all that with just a sniff? Impressive... So, what may you be?"
The creature stood at about twenty feet in height, staring down the marine. It's skin was white, except for the two grey metallic arms. He wore space marine armour pieces combined with patches of other armour. Although it seemed makeshift, it offered unparalleled protection. Through the spots in his armour, the knight could see the bulging muscles of his arms and legs, and his chiseled abs. [i]"I am Traliks, the Jack of all trades."[/i] It was a legendary name that the Black Templar recognized. Many times, the stories of the Jack of all Trades was told... of him stopping entire Ork Waaaghs!, destroying Tyranid tendrils, chasing chaos back into the eye of terror... his tales were often told amongst imperial guard to raise morale.
The Fallen toward above the man with about twelve feet. The poor guy had never felt so tiny. He opened his mouth in a silent "oooooooh", having to strain his neck to even be able to see the Fallen's face. "You're that guy, I see... Mhm, yes, yes, yes..." He fell silent, not really having said a lot. Mainly because he just didn't know what to say to someone like the Fallen in front of him.
[i]"At a loss for words?"[/i] Traliks chuckled heartily, patting the man on the shoulder. [i]"Don't have to be so formal, you know."[/i]
Edited by CPU Purple-Heart: 6/18/2016 5:00:47 PMThe man slowly exhales, his mind racing to just find something to say, eventually finding something, "Ooookaaay then, I mean, it's just that, y'know, you're... You. And that's pretty cool. So yeah." The man chuckles silently.
[i]"Here. Have this."[/i] He reached into his bottomeless bag, thank Ork magic, and pulled out a bottle of Eldar Wine. He handed it to the marine.
The man reached behind his back with his left hand, sliding his Chainsword, which he held in his left hand, into the makeshift sheath on his back. He then took the bottle with a greatful nod. "Thank you."
[i]"Hopefully it'll loosen you up into a conversation!"[/i] He chuckles. [i]"Say, what's your name?"[/i]
Edited by CPU Purple-Heart: 6/18/2016 5:14:40 PM"Hopefully!" He chuckles with the Kell, his right hand moving to the chin of his helmet, and lifting it up enough to show his soft pink lips, and his stark jawline. He also opens the bottle of booze with his left hand, and moves it to his lips, taking a deep swig.
[i]"So, Templar, what's your name?"[/i]
Edited by CPU Purple-Heart: 6/18/2016 5:16:54 PMHe raises his right hand, signaling for Traliks to wait for a bit. He then lowered his hand after about half the bottle was empty, and pulled the bottle away from his lips, the helmet sinking back down to cover his face. He then takes a very deep breath, and says, "Aethald. Aethald Shrios."
[i]"Well then, Aethald, good to meet you!"[/i] He chuckles.
"Pleasure to meet you, Traliks!" The man grins behind his helmet, finding the Kell's company rather pleasant - though that was not the only reason as to why he grinned. He also remembered his booze back at the General Quarters.
[i]"I suplose you're not the only imperial on board, are you not?"[/i]
"No, no, no, no. By far not. I arrived in a drop pod, with a whole squad of Black Templars, but they were wiped out." He pauses for a bit. "But! There is a camp thing nearby. Basically every Imperial on this ship is there."
[i]"Great. Suppose I should drop by and say hello."[/i]
"It would certainly boost morale, I bet. Though we won a rather large battle pretty recently, so morale isn't really a problem."
[i]"Really? Shame I missed it."[/i]
"Nah, you would have ended it before I even got there, and that wouldn't have been any fun!" He chuckles, the booze starting to kick in.