He walked off, most likely to the Quarters.
He disappeared into the dark shadowy corridors of the bloodwrath.
[i]"Heh. Funny little character, that one..."[/i] [spoiler]want them to go on Daemon banishing shenanigans?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Maybe. It would give them a use besides standing around and doing almost nothing.[/spoiler]
[i]"Hey! Knight Guy!"[/i] He shouted, loud enough for the paladin to hear him. [i]"I heard there was a Daemon incursion nearby! Want to come with me Rectify it?"[/i]
[i]KILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL[/i] was the first thing on the Knights Mind. He ran back with surprising speed and spoke. "[b]Where are they?[/b]"
[spoiler]made me kek[/spoiler] He sniffed around. [i]"Follow me. By the smell... it's Tzeentch."[/i] He began moving down a corridor, making sure his new pal was following.
Oh the Knight was following, aiming his Bolter at anything that moved. He was obviously not happy with this. but the KILLLLL was on his mind.
Soon enough, they reached a large Summoning room. Warpgates were littered around the room, cultists and thousand sons marines all praying to their god Tzeentch.
Gerald started doing a prayer, in case if shit went down and they didn't kill them all fast enough. He stopped praying and started blowing his load [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler] of Storm Bolters at whatever he saw, Cultists bodies blew up in a bloody glory. It was as if America exsisted as a country again.
Traliks jumped into the melee, swinging hammer and spear, sending all flying. Cultists, sorcerers, Rubrics, they all flew around like ragdolls, often times exploding due to sheer strength of his blows. He was being shot at, but he gave no fuсks, as if wearing plot armour greater than that of the Ultramarines.
Bodies would have cavities in their chests. Gerald went ahead are started slicing and stabbing with his Halberd which was easy. He grabbed a cultist and fired the Bolter at their head, the bullet not exploding.
He multitasked, using his gun-wielding hands to shoot down some Tzeentch fuсkers while cutting down and smashing others. This was an absolute bloodbath.