[b]Vaaxius stares at everything with awe, her eyes widening.[/b]
[i]"Each item I carry has a history of its own. A tale to tell. A legend... and now you're just staring at my abs."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"Can't blame you."[/i]
[b]Vaaxius softly rubs them.[/b] "They're so nice.... I mean what! I'm focused!"
He chuckles. [i]"They have been waiting for you. In all the milennia, I haven't touched another woman, promise! Although not for lack of them constantly trying..."[/i]
"Well if they try while I'm around. They'll get to see what the top of the ship looks like."
He smiles. He puts away his two lower weapons, picks her up and holds her to his height. [i]"I've missed you, Baby."[/i] He kisses her.
[b]Vaaxius kisses back, her lips still soft despite her looks.[/b]
Despite his hardened nature, despite being from another universe, his kiss tasted just the same as she remembered.
[b]Vaaxius melts into his arms, her eyes filled with joy. Even with what she was, she was still the same.[/b]
He put her back down on the ground. [i]"Glad to see you're still kicking, babe."[/i]
"And I'm glad you are too...."
[i]"You went through some changes, I see."[/i]
"Yeah, they weren't by choice though..."
[i]"I see... well, you still look like yourself. Which is good."[/i]
"I do?.... I don't feel the same..."
[i]"Well, no matter what you look like, you're still my baby."[/i] He smirks.
"Thank you, and you're still my hulking sweetheart..."
[i]"indeed I am."[/i] He chuckles. [i]"Love you, darling."[/i]
"I love you too...."
He put two hands on her. One on her back, the other on her butt, as they walked. [i]"So... do you have a camp nearby?"[/i]
"Yup, it's over there...." [b]Astrid points in the direction of the general quarters[/b]
He walks to it with her. [i]"So, have you made any friends?"[/i]
"Yup, a few too. There's is Kor'El.... Actually, you probably don't want to meet him...... There's this girl with wolf traits named Lupa.... I think I met a Daemoette queen who was pretty friendly, I can't remember though, too much booze.... That's it I think. Oh, and don't worry about this Daemoette, she's on our side." [spoiler]aka Vaaxius got smashed during the celebration and can't remember any of it.[/spoiler]
[i]"Kor'El? I remember that name... I must've seen him once or twice, on the battlefield."[/i]
"How did he look? Was this when he was green or red?"
[i]"Um... he was blue. He is a Tau, is he not?"[/i]