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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
6/18/2016 5:11:38 AM
[i]"I don't need sleep, and I'll do better on my own. Lucien is the only one of us that still functions normally."[/i] [i]"Mmph."[/i] [b]Lucien merely grunts and taps his helmet. Such a body drained quickly, especially since it rain of reserve artificial power...[/b]

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  • He turned to the woman. "Then why are you here? It's certainly not for my company. And you absolutely can't stand him. There are only two types of people, problems and solutions, right now you're looking a lot like the former. If you're here to help, do so. If you're not then I can only assume you want me to fail. That makes you an obstacle, and those don't block my way for long. Choice is yours, come with us and help, or don't, honestly I hope you decide to help, we each need allies to depend on, and this isn't a resource rich environment. Most everyone wants either to kill us or control us. But hey, you do you, I'm going to help whoever I can and figure out a way to get people home, like I always do." With that he turned to the man. "How far will you make it?"

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  • [i]"Hmph."[/i] [b]She'd see that Lucien made it somewhere safely... Despite his outward appearance, he had a good heart and was mostly a gentle giant... But she knew he would risk a lot to protect her, so it would be better to split up now.[/b] [i]"What...? Oh... Uh, whenever, wherever. I'm good for awhile."[/i]

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  • "Alright Lucien, rooms not far stay in cover while I go clear it. I'll be back." The marine stood and moved off.

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  • [i]"You feeling okay...?"[/i] [i]"Maybe. I don't have my filters... I'm gonna start running out of breathing room fast."[/i] [i]"I guess next time you bring extra..."[/i] [i]"Yeah..."[/i] [b]Lucien scraps a claw down his helmet to keep awake. He felt perfectly fine, but such stress on a massive body took his conscious thought and motor skills and shot them right out the door.[/b]

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  • The marine was gone for longer than what seemed necessary, the two began to wonder if he was alright. The thought that he'd left them behind occurred but that would have been extremely out of character.

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  • [i]"Fūck. Let's go find him."[/i] [b]Lucien takes off, not waiting for a reply, following trail of the marine, making sure to rely on infrared in case he got lost... His helmet had quite the many tricks.[/b]

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  • The trail was there, the room was empty but there was signs of a struggle, blood was on the floor, and smeared on a hole in the wall, large enough for a man to be drug into.

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  • [i]"Lea... I need you to go exploring. I can't fit in a hole."[/i] [i]"I assume now is not the time to make a joke out of that?"[/i] [i]"Just go!"[/i] [b]She rolls her eyes and crawls into the opening.[/b]

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  • Blood coated the walls of the small tunnel that soon opened up into a slightly larger passage. As she walks on she kicks an arm on the floor, it was not Blackburn's, it had a different look to it. As she continued more body parts lined the hall, and the smell of decaying flesh was rancid. Bullet holes, fresh too, also marked the area.

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  • [b]She steps over the bodies delicately, not trying to get herself dirty in any way. All the while, she pulls a flintlock like pistol from seemingly thin air, the white handle and silver barrel glistening slightly. Though, it clearly held more than one shot.[/b] [i]"Hello...? Anyone...?"[/i] [b]She calls out carefully.[/b]

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  • There were bodies of creatures now, covered in chitin and dense exoskeleton, they reminded her of insects. They all looked to have been shot, stabbed or bludgeoned to death very recently. Ahead of her she can make out the faint out line of Blackburn's Exosuit, he was breathing heavily and he held his arms on his stomach. "What took you so long? I had to have all the fun." He said weakly.

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  • [i]"Are you alright?"[/i] [b]She asks, pacing towards him and placing a delicate hand on his shoulder.[/b] [i]"I'd prefer it if you didn't die. Lucien is find of you."[/i]

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  • He chuckled, and motioned down to his hands. "Apart from the new hole in me I'm fine. You wouldn't happen to have painkillers would you? Or maybe some sort of bandage, those... Things got my medkit."

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  • [i]"Lucien has bio repair gel. Don't die for like... Three minutes."[/i] [b]She scampers off, only to return minutes later with a decent sized canister of black gel like liquid.[/b]

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  • "My hero." He said sarcastically. "You know, I can't get a read on you, either of you two. Most anyone else I can predict what they're going to do. But you two, are different."

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  • [i]"Cool. Now drink up. This stuff can fill a hole, metaphorically... And literally."[/i] [b]She extends the vial down to the marine, waving it slightly.[/b]

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  • He drank the liquid.

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  • [b]The texture is like liquid rubber, and the taste is like sucking on a penny... But, it works, slowly filling the gap in his body and repairing lost tissues. Quite the miracle juice.[/b] [i]"It's Lucien's own inventions. Useful stuff. You good now? This place gives me the creeps."[/i]

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  • He laughed at her discomfort, standing, but she could tell he wanted to leave just as much as she did. "So you do feel. I was beginning to wonder. Ladies first." He said gesturing to the hole.

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  • [b]She rolls her eyes and crawls through, and upon reaching the other side finds Lucien on the ground, only half-conscious.[/b] [i]"Dammit. He looks like he's ready to topple over."[/i]

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  • He makes his way through behind her, and falling out of the hole. He stood and looked around. "Well we can't stay here. Help me carry him, the hall will have to do."

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  • [i]"Uh-uh. I can still move. Unless you two can miraculously carry two tons."[/i] [b]Lucien remarks, getting to his feet with a grunt.[/b] [i]"Did the gel work?"[/i] [i]"Yes, Malform... It worked."[/i]

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  • "Between the two of us we should be able to, but if you can walk let's go. Not the time for this. Out the door and go further down the hall. Move!"

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  • [b]Lucien moves as told, the woman following behind. Though, in this state, Lucien was more like a drone simply taking orders than a functioning 'human'.[/b]

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  • The marine found them small alcove in the ship, probably a maintenance section. He searched it and activated his helmet's thermal vision, then it's heartbeat sensor. He made sure nothing was going to attack this time. He motioned for them to enter and set up camp.

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