"I can tell you how we first met, watch. I met you in what remained of The Last City while I was scavenging. A group of Kings bounty hunters attacked us while we were there. After we beat them, I took you to my place in the woods so we could talk more. I remember what I served you, which was Ether infused venison. I remember us falling in love, I remember every bit of it. So don't think I'm not Vaaxius, because I've fought and killed in the hopes of seeing you again."
[b]Vaaxius broke down.[/b]
"So don't go thinking I'm nothing but a lying monster!"
"How did he look? Was this when he was green or red?"
[i]"Um... he was blue. He is a Tau, is he not?"[/i]
"Oh! That must have been before I came here! His race is debatable now. I just consider him a Necron."
[i]"Necron? He'll have to explain that to me..."[/i]
"Yeah, and it'll explain why I'm like this too...." [b]Vaaxius gulps as she starts to worry about her love kicking Kor'El's ass to the point that it looks like he's stuck in his current body.[/b]
[i]"How so?"[/i] He would only shreck the tin can if his soulmate asked him to do so.
"Well... It started right when I arrived in this reality..." [b]Vaaxius explains everything.[/b]
He listened. Her arrival, her then inevitable capture by the pariahs, her modifications, the war, Kor'El's liberation, the numerous years of searching, until now. [i]"I see..."[/i]
"Yeah... I'm not proud of what I did back then. Some days I curse Kor'El for this. But he was a victim as much as me..."
[i]"I suppose he was. At least, he liberates Necrons as much as he can, repaying for his sins."[/i]
[b]Vaaxius nods and starts to cry.[/b] "I killed so many people... Soldiers, civilians, I wiped out entire familes because I thought I was superior to everyone else..... I took lives that could have been wonderful......"
[i]"Well, that's how necron do. They kill. They hate life in all forms. Nothing is spared. Not even the very earth from which they come. Don't blame yourself, babe. You did nothing wrong as you. The horrors... they weren't commited by your hand."[/i]
"I still remember the last words I said before being liberated..... 'I can't wait to see my children again, it'll be so fun to tear them apart..'...." [b]He could tell that no matter what he said, it'll be awhile before she stopped blaming herself....[/b]
He sighs. Women, am I right? [i]"Look, you'll be fine. It'll take some time, but you'll be fine."[/i]
[b]Vaaxius nods.[/b] "I miss my home.... I miss my kids....."
[i]"We had kids? I don't remember ever having children..."[/i]
"I keep forgetting we're not from the same reality, sorry."
[i]"Oh, yes, you're right. I forgot too..."[/i]
"Ah well, I'll just have to give you some in this world."
[i]"Oh?"[/i] He smirks. [i]"You may..."[/i]
[b]Astrid lewdly grins.[/b] "I forgot how hot I could get around you, especially since I don't remember what any other emotion besides rage and sadness was like when I was a Necron."
[i]"Being soulmates will do that to you. Especially when you have a hunk of a man like me around..."[/i] He grins.
[b]Vaaxius softly giggles and hugs him.[/b]
He keeps walking to the general quarters. [i]"You have any other friends I should meet?"[/i]
"Nope, they're all in the general quarters." [spoiler]*Wants them to walk in on Lupa and Agnes having a intimate moment* *That would have to be PM*[/spoiler]