[i]"Dammit... Didn't even get on the soldier's good side. Well, for the most part, I can keep myself from getting shot because of my words."[/i]
Blackburn and Lucien were stopped by a guardsman who stood at the gate. Blackburn explained their situation and the gates opened. They were both allowed to enter the general quarters. He stood near the entrance. "This is where we part ways my friend."
[b]Lucien salutes with a chuckle.[/b] [i]"Alright. Thanks for the help... I'll have to catch you around later... Maybe buy you a frilly drink at bar."[/i]
"It'd be wasted. I don't drink frilly drinks."
[i]"Well... Until I find a hard scotch, may Vishnu find you blessed."[/i] [b]With a silly bow, Lucien marches off, throwing a claw over his head in farewell.[/b]
"Saint Peter keep you." Blackburn walked into the other direction. [spoiler]end[/spoiler]