As the tides of warriors each passed through the gate, something strange happened to them. They were imbued with a strange aura, they glowed green with magical enhancements, the blessings of Noiratrom. Thanks to this shielding, the minds and souls of the warriors were protected from the negative effects of the warp. As a result, magical attacks had less effect on them, which was just what the warriors needed.
First were the Orks. With a beholding warcry, the green tides of boyz unfurled from the portal, which led to the grounds in front of Slaanesh's palace, in the Dark Prince's realm. There, they took by surprise the legions of daemons there. Never had they expected an attack directly on their territory, which was poorly defended. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of Daemons appeared, all of which belonged to Slaanesh, and the battle begun. With all of their might, the orks clashed against the demons, fighting real good. They smashed with their choppas, shot 'em up with their shootas and made Godkillah real proud. But The orks were severely outnumbered. Swathes of Chaos Space Marines that were servants of Slaanesh were summoned to the realm. They had brought with them their arsenals, prepared to defend their god and bring great pain to the enemy.
Then came the rest of the Armies. The Jade Dragons arrived at the same time as the Imperials did. The Jade Dragons, recieving support directly from Noiratrom's realm, were accompanied by hordes of greater Daemons.
The Imperials quickly made their presence known. Earthshaker rounds flew through the air, cracking the sky and falling back down on the Slaaneshi troops. The rows of Basilisks set up their firing positions, giving extreme support to the offensive. Sentinel walkers came from the portal, their armour blessed by Noiratrom, and began battling into the frey, shooting down greater demons and lesser demons alike. Then rolled up the Leman Russ tanks, and the Baneblades. They each had their own specifications of weaponry, dishing out heavy, very heavy punishment in their own ways. The battle was intense, these warriors having the advantage of surprise and strength.
Then came the Necrons. These odd necrons glew red instead of green, powered by Kor'El's mysterious liberated gauss. These warriors, adepts at destroying warp creatures, lay down a slow, unstoppable wave of death upon the Slaaneshi army.
Coming from secret paths of the Webway to support their god of pleasure, the Dark Eldar descended upon the invading army, hoping to disrupt their ranks. But the Combined forces had another card up their sleeve.
Coming from the same Webway, stealthy masses of Eldar forces, coming from three different Craftworlds, had come to the fight. After all, this was their chance to avenge their gods. To slay their killers. They disrupted the Dark Eldar surprise, and brought support to the combined armies of Orks, Jade Dragons, Imperials and Necrons.
The battle raged fiercely, each warrior, from guardsmen to primarch, dealt significant death to the enemy. This was their finest hour, to all of them.
[spoiler]basically, this is another battle post of epic proportions. Come in, wreck absolute house, be the most badass you can. I'll post the best fights in the greatest hits for you. Best of luck to you, and kick ass.[/spoiler]
The distraction was in place. And the plan was going accordingly.
Slaanesh, the prince of torment himself, watched with delight all the misery that was going on below. All this pain, the screams of battle, it was wondrous to him. These fools... their attack was meaningless against him. There was nothing they could truly do against him. He would let their hopes build, to be crushed even harder later, in a tasty feast of misery.
But something felt odd to the prince. He felt another presence. He felt... fear.
[i][b]"Are you sure this will work?"[/b][/i]
[i][u]"Yes. I have called upon other craftworlds. They will keep the Dark Eldar busy. Nobody will sneak up on us. I made sure of that."[/u][/i]
[i][b]"Very well then. Let us be on with this."[/b][/i]
Suddenly, behind the prince, a secret Webway opening revealed itself. This path had been weaved by the Eldar for millennia, in the hopes of one day serving against the dark god. That day had come.
In a fit of surprised rage, the pleasure god himself screamed out.
[u][b]"Who dares invade my realm as such?!"[/b][/u]
Noiratrom stepped through the opening. There he stood, a massive being of power. His scales were shiny, and his animalistic traits were proud. He stared down the prince with his owl and wolf eyes.
[i][b]"It is I. Noiratrom. You know me, by now..."[/b][/i]
[b][u]"You... you rotten piece of refuse! I should have known it was you!"[/u][/b]
But through Slaanesh's rage, Noiratrom knew the prince felt something else.
[i][b]"You cannot hide your fear from me. You know your time is at an end... and I know I will be the one to bring it to you."[/b][/i]
The prince of pleasure laughed in the face of his death.
[u][b]"You think you can destroy me alone?! I have butchered millions! Conquered hundreds of worlds!"[/b][/u]
[b][i]"I am not alone on this day, prince..."[/i][/b]
Then, Macha walked through the gate. She was as tall as Noiratrom, her body changed in the effigy of the War god. And someone else came through the gate... the living Embodiment of the Emperor. His wrath, his strength, his will, made into one. The living saint.
Agnes was clad in her battle gear, her body covered by a golden shroud. In her hand, she wielded the Emperor's holy fury, the flaming blade.
And yet another being stepped through... the essence of the Nightbringer made living. The spirit of death. Clad in his blessed Y'Vahra battlesuit Battlesuit, a glowing red power flowed through each crack in his suit. Kor'El, the warrior of Freedom.
Very last, but absolutely not the least... Noiratrom's pet. It stomped the ground menacingly, heavily as it walked...
[quote]Long ago, Before his engagement against Tep-Pharon, Noiratrom had made a fascinating discovery... the untouched, untainted egg of a Tyranid Swarmlord. Why this perfect creature had been abandoned, Noiratrom could only guess. But until then, he would keep this egg safe, afflict it with the warp, turn it to obey his commands. He would become this lord's Hive Mind. Their spirits would be one.
For the time until this day, Noiratrom had cared for his pet, his pet of death, that is. He had grown it to be a fierce warrior. Soom enough though, the Swarmlord began reproducing, creating a small hive that was loyal only to Noiratrom, and their loyalty would never falter. After he was ascended into godhood, his pet had the same treatment. It grew in power and strength, all a reflection of his beloved master. And now, today, imbued with the very powrs of his master, the Swarmlord of Noiratrom was stronger than it ever was.[/quote]
Stepping through the light of the Webway portal, the Hulking beast stood. It was taller than Noiratrom himself, and larger too. Its skin was scaley, like Noiratrom's, and vegetation covered its thick, chitinous hide. It launched a powerful roar that even the warriors down below could feel. It radiated with the same power as Noiratrom.
Down below, on the front lines, Soldiers on both side felt a tinge of Fear as Tyranids began pouring from Warpgates. All of them were imbued with the power of the life god. Soon enough though, the assailants calmed down as they realized the Tyranids fought with them on this day... which was odd. Very odd.
The five of them stood. The spirits of Vengeance. They all fought for one thing: the good of the Universe. Except for the Tyranid, who simply fought because he loved his master.
[b][i]"... I carry the might of the Galaxy as my Ally."[/i][/b]
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