The imperial, ork and Chaos forces all let out a mighty cheer as they had won the battle.
Meanwhile, back in the palace chamber... Slaanesh's body wisps away, like snow fading from the air. Noiratrom's body went through a surge of power, his body glowing with a pinkish hue.
Macha felt a tinge of hesitation, however. What if they had just helped him gain more power to conquer the galaxy? He would be unstoppable... so she decided to confront him.
[b][u]"Noiratrom. I must know. You ha e avenged my people, and I am thankful for that. However... how can we know? How can we be sure you didn't just use us?"[/u][/b]
Noiratrom understood her concern.
[i][b]"Macha, I made a promise to your mother. I owe everything to her. And I never break my word."[/b][/i]
Macha was appeased by this answer.
[i][b]"Thank you for you help, Macha. Without you, I could have never done this. It seems to be a trend with me, to owe your family a great deal."[/b][/i]
Macha chuckled at that.
[u][b]"Thank you, Noiratrom."[/b][/u]
[i][b]"And not just to Macha. To all of you. To every soldier on the battlefield. I owe my victory this day to them. And that is what makes me different from the other gods of the warp... my power, I gained it with the help of the others, not by abusing them. My throne was built with others, not on them. With their help, with their sacrifices. I am grateful to each of them. And I pledge my sworn truth that I will do all in my power to see them live on."[/b][/i]
The last part of his speech was broadcasted throughout the battlefield, as a rallying cry.
[b]Graxian gave a weak cheer as he still has the "o shit" demeanor about him[/b]