"That is... Equally gross an unfortunate. I assume you've tried to return to your previous body?"
[i]"Uh-uh. I can still move. Unless you two can miraculously carry two tons."[/i] [b]Lucien remarks, getting to his feet with a grunt.[/b] [i]"Did the gel work?"[/i] [i]"Yes, Malform... It worked."[/i]
"Between the two of us we should be able to, but if you can walk let's go. Not the time for this. Out the door and go further down the hall. Move!"
[b]Lucien moves as told, the woman following behind. Though, in this state, Lucien was more like a drone simply taking orders than a functioning 'human'.[/b]
The marine found them small alcove in the ship, probably a maintenance section. He searched it and activated his helmet's thermal vision, then it's heartbeat sensor. He made sure nothing was going to attack this time. He motioned for them to enter and set up camp.
[b]Lea did so, using tarp and mangled crates to build a make shift tent while Lucien uses a lighter to start a fire using bones he seemed to pull right out of thin air... He immediately tips over and lays still, only the rise and fall of his chest showing any sort of life.[/b]
Blackburn pulled something from his pack, a syringe. He uncapped it and injected it. Suddenly he shivered and felt wide awake. He sat facing the entrance of the alcove.
[b]Lea throws a tarp over Lucien like a blanket and wakes towards the marine.[/b] [i]"This is where I split off... Give him two hours and he'll be back up in no time."[/i]
"Alright, I'll make sure he gets to the haven. Good luck where ever you're going."
[b]Without another word, she walks off, disappearing from sight and leaving Lucien to his gentle breathing.[/b]
The marine shook his head, he did not want to be the one to tell Lucien his friend left him. He waited for Lucien to wake up already having a plan of action.
[b]A mere hour passes instead of the predicted two, and Lucien suddenly shoots up.[/b] [i]"En garde?!"[/i] [b]He looks around and realizes his situation, sighing and tapping his helmet.[/b] [i]"Why can't my French dreams have romance...?"[/i] [b]He chuckles and turns to the marine.[/b] [i]"You okay...? How long have I been out?"[/i]
"One hour twenty two minutes, fifteen seconds. I'll live, let's get the hell out of here. I'm not sure we're alone anymore." He said facing outwards.
[i]"Damn... Overslept. My bad. Alright. Let's get going."[/i] [b]He says, throwing off his tarp and getting to his big metal feet.[/b]
The marine rose in a fluid motion and moved forward. He cleared the hall the motioned for him to join. "Projected time was over two hours. Not late at all." It was clear something was following them, but what was unclear. "Act natural, start up a conversation, I can keep track of it but it may think we don't suspect it."
[i]"Generally, I prefer motorcycles. Anything that flies make me sick. Maybe it's a fear of heights. But... Tanks are also claustrophobic."[/i] [b]He says, nonchalantly... If facades were godlike, his would be perfect.[/b]
"You've not lived until you've jumped into a low g moon with out a parachute." They were close now, very close to the haven.
[i]"I may not have a face, but I'd vomit. Cars, boats, and bikes. Anything more is too much. Course space ships don't count because those emulate regular grav and hospitality."[/i]
"Ha, my team would have eaten you for breakfast, especially Natalia, she loved to make fun of people."
[i]"I'm pure muscle and metal. I am not very appetite worthy."[/i] [b]He says with a chuckle.[/b]
"Alright she definitely would have ripped you a new one." They round a corner and see the checkpoint into the safe haven. The two can relax now, they made it.
[b]Lucien doesn't take a chance, quickening his pace slightly.[/b] [i]"Last one there gets to eat the gum off the others shoes!"[/i]
"I've been awake for four days, you got to rest. I'm still going to beat you." The marine took off, aided by his suit and the shot he took earlier.
[b]Besides his head start, Lucien moved at a steady jog... Not sprint... But jog.[/b] [i]"That's cause I'm still sleepy after that..."[/i]
The marine turned and ran backwards for a moment and turned again. He was moving quickly, he soon reached the gate.
[b]Lucien followed a mere inch behind, not looking back.[/b] [i]"Too bad for you... I can chew gum anyways."[/i]