[i]"Damn! If only we had such technology back then. I guess that makes you younger than me..."[/i]
[b]With a chuckle, Lucien throws his claws into his pockets.[/b]
[i]"That's pretty cool... Sometimes I wish I was more than just a scientist..."[/i]
"I'm 22... I think... Biologically, I've spent a lot of time in cryotubes. What happened to you, that made you as you are?"
[i]"Uhh... I got some chemicals spilled on my body and turned into goop. I got shoved into various things by a terrorist but eventually got this mass of flesh and metal."[/i]
"That is... Equally gross an unfortunate. I assume you've tried to return to your previous body?"
[i]"Well. I tried recreating it, but the original was incinerated."[/i] [i]"Well, technically the organ part is still inside you."[/i] [i]"True... But those don't function well without some new additions."[/i]
"I'm sure all you need is time and materials to experiment with. What are you now anyway?"
[i]"Better to leave it to the imagination..."[/i] [b]He shrugs, the humor dying away. Clearly a difficult subject. Even his companion looked on with sympathy... But it was clear he just wanted to be over it.[/b] [i]"I mean, at least I'm now unique."[/i]
"I meant what do you do? As in job, I didn't mean to open that can of worms." He said apologetically.
[i]"Oh..."[/i] [b]If Lucien could blush he would. He clenched his fist at his stupidity and grit what was left of his teeth.[/b] [i]"I now work as a protector of sorts. No pay... I just kinda go around and help people in trouble. Call it lame... But I do still do engineering and chemistry on the side."[/i]
"Well, it sounds like you enjoy it, so what then hell does it matter what I think?" He turned to the woman. "And what's your story?"
[i]"Once upon a time, I did some stuff."[/i] [i]"She won't say... I don't know either if it's any consolation."[/i]
"One of those people then? Suit yourself, I was just trying to be friendly." He turned back forward and activated a holomap. It rose from his hand and he examined their path, and projected destination. The blue light flickered and he banged the projector against his armor until it worked. He nodded and rose again, concealing it once more in his gear.
[i]"Uh... What was that?"[/i] [i]Lucien asks, slightly concerned.[/i]
"Map." He answered simply, looking at the crossroads before them. "Trying to figure out which way to go. This way follow me." He said walking off.
[i]"Yeah... Got the map part..."[/i] [b]Lucien mumbles before continuing to follow.[/b] [i]"How far are we, exactly?"[/i]
" 3 klicks. An hour of travel with some stops for water or food. Provided we don't get side tracked."
[i]"Right... Time and shit. Well, not like we have anything else to do. Though, you got to admit that this is a quiet place..."[/i]
"Projected area of this ship is that of a moon. Very large indeed, architecture is gothic in design, lots of store rooms, factories, and production facilities, means long term habitation."
[i]"Well, long term assuming you survive the Imperium and Chaos forces."[/i] [b]Lucien mumbles, slightly irritated at his situation. Not how he wanted to spend his time... That was for sure.[/b]
"I meant that ship was constructed for long term habitation. It's a warzone at the moment and that shortens the lifespan considerable."
[i]"Fair point. I'll give you credit... You've done well so far, and I'd rather you cover my six than most other things."[/i]
"Not hard to do the only thing you've ever known. Of the two of you, you seem the more capable fighter. But I've not seen her fight, only bicker with you."
[i]"Well... You've seen me shoot... But I'm more of a sleeper than fighter."[/i] [b]He jokes with a chuckle, as Lea throws him an amused glance. She knew what he was capable of... It was strong... Sure, but most of what he did was just for flash and looks. She was the opposite. Her combat style was more quiet and stealthy.[/b]
The two seemed about to argue again, the marine shook his head. He sighed. "If both of you want to make it alive I swear you need to work out whatever the hell it is between you two."
[i]"Eh. It's in our nature. I'm water and she is oil. I joke and she doesn't... We've tried."[/i] [i]"Worked for a few weeks at one point."[/i] [i]"I was unconscious..."[/i]
"That is incredibly disturbing and incredibly illegal. It's people like you I have to spend hours of my life in 'don't Räpe people' classes." He said looking at the daemon. "Well the two of you have to start getting along or we're going to die. It's that simple."