Unlike many here, I do, my Portal Stick Thingy malfunctioned and I came here. I mean, I've been fine, if you need help... Doesn't look it, though.
[i]"Yeah... We are fine. Thanks, though. I'll keep your name in mind if I ever need some help or some shit."[/i]
Alright then. But I think I got something about that hangover. *Mortar hands you a bottle filled with a green liquid* Drink, you'll feel better
[i]"Well... Damn..."[/i] [b]He quickly passes the vial to his companion who looks at it suspiciously.[/b] [i]"I don't mean to be rude Mortar... But This metal is grafted to my face. I can't eat or drink any more..."[/i]
Oh, that sucks. *Mortar takes the bottle from you* Well, that doesn't explain the hangover..
[i]"Eh. Probably pulled a tag off a mattress."[/i] [b]He shrugs, not really concerned.[/b]
*Mortar chuckles* Yeah... Well... If you need me, just call
[i]"Will do, Mortar. Catch you later."[/i] [b]Lucien promptly turns and stomps off, the woman lingering just a moment before following.[/b]
*Mortar seems to mumble to himself* I didn't get a good vibe from the guy... He didn't seem... good.
[spoiler]I guess so, end.[/spoiler]